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News image ALS1 Blog | Primary | School Activities
Action Learning Camps

Action Learning Camps, or ALCs, are often cherished highlights of students' school years. Memories of playing team sports, roasting marshmallows, and sharing whispered conversations into the early hours of the morning leave lasting impressions. But ALCs are more than just fun—they're foundational experiences that support students’ growth in a number of ways.

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News image ALC - ALC Blog | Secondary | School Activities
Action Learning Camps
As part of our wider curriculum to develop our Grade 10, 11 and 12 students, all three grade levels recently travelled to destinations within Cambodia for three-day experiential learning programmes.
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News image Making maths meaningful and playful to early years children with Liz Gibbs - Making maths meaningful and playful to early years children with Liz Gibbs Blog | Primary | School Activities
Making maths meaningful and playful to early years children with Liz Gibbs
By: Cynthia Gayoso
Early Learning 4 Teacher
With lots of educational plastic toys available in the market targeting maths skills, Liz Gibbs and NISC EL teachers agrees that the use of natural materials in their teaching has notable benefits.
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News image Parents as Partners in Education – NISC Community Building  - Parents as Partners in Education_ NISC Community Building Blog | School Activities | Primary | parents
Parents as Partners in Education – NISC Community Building

By Donita Bell
PYP Co-ordinator/Assistant Principal

The importance of home-school partnerships have long been documented as having positive impact on student wholistic development, wellbeing and life-long learning Research shows that the role of the relationship between Parents and Educators creates the conditions conducive to student success. 

'No school can work well for children if parents and teachers do not act in partnership on behalf of the children's best interests' - Dorothy Cohen

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News image Houses and how they can benefit student and community development - Houses and how they can benefit student and community development Blog | School Activities | Primary
Houses and how they can benefit student and community development

By Karel Van Der Linden
Deputy Head of Primary

A house system with a merit-based approach can significantly enhance student growth in a primary school setting. By dividing students into different houses, the school creates smaller communities within the larger school environment, fostering a sense of belonging and teamwork.

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News image Northbridge celebrates cultural diversity and multilingualism at International Mother Language Day - Northbridge celebrates cultural diversity and multilingualism at International Mother Language Day Blog | Primary | Educational Insights | School Activities
Northbridge celebrates cultural diversity and multilingualism at International Mother Language Day

Held every year on 21 February, International Mother Language Day is observed worldwide - including here at Northbridge International School Cambodia - to promote linguistic and cultural diversity and multilingualism. The theme for this year is “Multilingual education is a pillar of intergenerational learning.”

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News image The important lessons students learn outside the classroom on Northbridge Action Learning Camps - The important lessons students learn outside the classroom on Northbridge Action Learning Camps Blog | Primary | School Activities
The important lessons students learn outside the classroom on Northbridge Action Learning Camps

At Northbridge International School Cambodia, we recognise that lessons learned outside of the classroom are just as vital as the learning that takes place inside, with field trips to destinations around Phnom Penh held throughout the year, as well as special annual Action Learning Camps, known as ALCs.

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News image How Northbridge students benefit from our amazing Juilliard connection - How Northbridge students benefit from our amazing Juilliard connection Blog | Juilliard | Secondary | School Activities
How Northbridge students benefit from our amazing Juilliard connection

Northbridge International School Cambodia is incredibly lucky to be partnered with Juilliard. In my time at Northbridge and previously at the British School in Warsaw, Poland I have got to meet some amazing musicians, dancers and actors who are all passionate about education from the world-leading conservatoire (Juilliard) in those fields.

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News image Northbridge students excited to join exclusive Nord Anglia Global Campus writing competition - Northbridge students excited to join exclusive Nord Anglia Global Campus writing competition Blog | Primary | Global Campus | School Activities
Northbridge students excited to join exclusive Nord Anglia Global Campus writing competition

This month, the Primary team here at Northbridge International School Cambodia are launching a writing competition! We are very excited for this launch because the competition has been set up by Nord Anglia’s Global Campus. 

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News image The rich learning experience provided by the Northbridge Model United Nations - The rich learning experience provided by the Northbridge Model United Nations Blog | Secondary | School Activities | Student Work and Success
The rich learning experience provided by the Northbridge Model United Nations

An IB education in the middle and upper school at Northbridge International School Cambodia is strongly focused on skill development, but not all of that development happens in the classroom. Activities and events, such as Model United Nations (MUN) offer rich learning experiences where students can apply their newly acquired skills in dynamic situations.

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News image Northbridge Grade 12 overcome every obstacle on their Action Learning Camp - Northbridge Grade 12 overcome every obstacle on their Action Learning Camp News | Secondary | School Activities
Northbridge Grade 12 overcome every obstacle on their Action Learning Camp

The Northbridge International School Cambodia Grade 12 Advisors, along with Mr Jeganathan and Mr Andy, the Grade Level Leader, took 67 of the Grade 12 students for a residential three days down to Shalom Valley just outside Kep.

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News image The many ways we are celebrating Earth Week at Northbridge - The many ways we are celebrating Earth Week at Northbridge Blog | School Activities | Whole School
The many ways we are celebrating Earth Week at Northbridge

Eco-Council's most awaited project, Earth Week, has been in the works for over 2 months. Members worked diligently to come up with innovative projects to encourage students to participate in becoming more eco-friendly. 

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News image Northbridge embarks on the journey to become an Eco-School - Northbridge embarks on the journey to become an Eco-School Blog | Whole School | School News | School Activities
Northbridge embarks on the journey to become an Eco-School
It was delightful to see over 70 passionate candidates recently competing to join this year’s Eco Council at Northbridge International School Cambodia. From 4th graders to 11th graders, every person shared their values during their speech in the hope of becoming a member of the Eco Committee.
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News image Reflections on the year so far in Primary at Northbridge - Reflections on the year so far in Primary at Northbridge Blog | Primary | School Activities
Reflections on the year so far in Primary at Northbridge
As we move into the break and celebrate Khmer New Year with our community it is time to reflect on 2022 so far at Northbridge International School Cambodia.
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News image Why we celebrate Book Week at Northbridge - Why we celebrate Book Week at Northbridge Blog | Primary | School Activities
Why we celebrate Book Week at Northbridge
During March, schools around the world have been celebrating the joys of reading for World Book Week. It is a week of showing appreciation for our favourite books and dressing up like the characters that take us along on their adventures with them.
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News image As Northbridge prepares to celebrate Pi Day we look at the importance of recreational mathematics - As Northbridge prepares to celebrate Pi Day we look at the importance of recreational mathematics Blog | Secondary | School Activities
As Northbridge prepares to celebrate Pi Day we look at the importance of recreational mathematics
In my last blog, we discussed recreational mathematics. More countries around the world, such as Ireland and New Zealand, have embraced the idea of recreational mathematics and have 'math week' where members of the community participate in the fun events. This includes life size mazes that have an algorithm to follow or having number-themed treasure hunts.
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News image Grade 4 and 5 Action Learning Camps - Grade 4 and 5 Action Learning Camps Blog | Primary | School Activities
Northbridge Grade 4 and 5 Action Learning Camps a great experience

The Primary Years Programme as an approach to curriculum is designed to maximise students’ experiences in every aspect and last week the Grade 4 and 5 students were fortunate enough to be involved in some non-classroom-based engagements through their Action Learning Camps (ALCs).

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