Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
27 September, 2018

Parent Coffee Morning Update - September 2018

Parent Coffee Morning Update - September 2018 - parent-coffee-morning-update--september-2018
Parent Coffee Morning Update - September 2018 Thank you to all parents who joined us for our monthly coffee morning and workshops, it was great to share the morning with you.

Thank you to all parents who joined us for our monthly coffee morning and workshops, it was great to share the morning with you.

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In addition to the presentation and workshop, this month we also had a food tasting in our Cafeteria with Chef Ravy.

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Our next Parent Coffee Morning will be on Friday 7 December. Please click here for more information about our Parent Council, which meets on the first Tuesday of every month.

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If you were unable to attend the event, we have attached below the presentations for your future reference.