How we approach assessment in the Primary school at Northbridge - How we approach assessment in the Primary school at Northbridge
Angela Botero
26 May, 2022

How we approach assessment in the Primary school at Northbridge

How we approach assessment in the Primary school at Northbridge - How we approach assessment in the Primary school at Northbridge
How we approach assessment in the Primary school at Northbridge
Perhaps one of the most complex and key aspects in the world of education, including at Northbridge International School Cambodia, is assessment. 

It is a sensitive issue since it is supposed to measure quality in education and academic excellence; we must consider many factors when implementing an assessment model that is effective, dynamic, and consistent with the demands of the present time. 


We live in a changing world with access to millions of data and information, and the idea of globalization today is closer than ever. For this reason, the development and implementation of innovative and creative assessment methodologies are essential in building an integrated assessment culture. A space where students, teachers and family actively participate in an environment that creates authentic and significant connections that will enable positive transformation and improvement of the real world. 


One of the IB goals is to create an integrated assessment culture. Students, teachers, and community members are part of an assessment culture. When a student is evaluated, the work of the teacher and the effectiveness of the educational system is assessed. It is a two-way street in which effective communication is essential. 


Thanks to monitoring, documenting, feedback and measurement of learning, we can achieve or build a culture of evaluation. A culture in which the school recognizes evaluation as an essential part of a dynamic process and not as a sole objective. A tool that allows students, teachers and the community to get in touch with performance and thus verify and reflect on the certainty, effectiveness and scope of the proposed objectives. 


In this way, we will be able to share learning objectives and evaluation criteria with the students effectively. By sharing, we make them participate and co-construct with teachers and resignify their participation in their education.