28 September, 2023

Exploring High School Diploma pathways at Northbridge - mapping your journey to graduation

Exploring High School Diploma pathways at Northbridge - mapping your journey to graduation - Exploring High School Diploma pathways at Northbridge - mapping your journey to graduation
Exploring High School Diploma pathways at Northbridge - mapping your journey to graduation

By Kohulan Jeganathan
IB Diploma Coordinator

Obtaining a high school diploma at Northbridge International School Cambodia is a significant milestone in every student's life. It not only paves the way for higher education but also opens doors to various career opportunities. However, the journey to graduation is not always a linear path.

While the traditional path to graduation is well-known, there are alternative pathways that offer students a more tailored and personalized experience.



While the traditional path to graduation is well-known, there are alternative pathways that offer students a more tailored and personalized experience. Let us take a closer look at the different high school diploma pathways that are offered to students at Northbridge International School Cambodia (NISC), with a particular focus on the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma, IB Courses, and High School Diploma pathways.


Rigorous Academic Pathways

High school diploma pathways, such as the IB Diploma and IB Courses, are known for their rigorous academic standards. These programs challenge students to excel academically, develop critical thinking skills, and engage in independent research. The rigorous coursework prepares students for the demands of higher education and equips them with the skills necessary for success in a competitive global environment.


The International Baccalaureate Diploma Program

At NISC, most students complete the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program, a rigorous and internationally recognized qualification highly regarded by universities worldwide. Within our recent graduating class, 83% of our students had completed the full IB Diploma, with 70% of those students achieving the bilingual Diploma. The IB Diploma is designed to provide students with a well-rounded education which fosters critical thinking, research skills, and a global perspective.


To attain an IB Diploma, students must complete six subjects across a range of disciplines, including languages, individuals and societies, sciences, mathematics, and the arts. Additionally, they must fulfill the requirements of the Theory of Knowledge (TOK) course, complete an Extended Essay, and participate in Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS) activities.


The IB Diploma Program challenges students to think critically, engage with complex concepts, and develop a deep understanding of the subjects they study. It encourages a holistic approach to learning, fostering intellectual curiosity and a passion for lifelong learning.


IB Courses 

In addition to the IB Diploma Program, another pathway offered to students is IB Courses that enable students to explore specific subjects in greater depth. These courses provide an opportunity for students to pursue their interests and develop expertise in a particular field. By taking individual IB Courses, students can earn IB Certificates for each subject they complete, demonstrating their proficiency to colleges and universities. Students who are on the IB courses receive certificates in their chosen IB courses, along with the WASC (Western Association of Schools and Colleges) accredited NISC High School Diploma.


At NISC, students who have selected the IB courses pathway can select between 2 to 4 IB courses that fit their interests and that are linked to their future university studies. IB courses can be selected at a higher level (HL) or standard level (SL), allowing students to choose the level of depth and rigor that suits their abilities and academic goals.


High School Diploma Pathway

A select number of our students at NISC choose to pursue the WASC accredited NISC High School Diploma. Students on this select pathway have a specific program of interest they have chosen after High School. As a result, an individualized program is developed that helps link their area of studies with their chosen field. For instance, students who pursue studying the culinary arts have been encouraged to incorporate developing culinary skills in their CAS activities.


All students regardless of the pathway they have chosen are expected to meet the minimum number of course credits across their last four years of schooling, along with completing creativity, activity, and service.


One of the key advantages for students on the high school diploma pathway at Northbridge is the flexibility offered in terms of credit requirements. Students can choose from a range of subjects that align with their interests and aspirations, allowing them to explore their passions in greater depth. This personalized approach to education not only enhances student engagement but also empowers them to shape their academic experience according to their unique strengths and goals.


Empowering Students to Shape Their Academic Experience

High school diploma pathways empower students to shape their academic experience according to their unique interests and aspirations. For many of the students at NISC they provide a personalized and rigorous education that prepares them for success in higher education and beyond. However, for other students, it allows the journey to graduation to become more accessible by offering tailored credit requirements, that ensure students have the opportunity to explore their passions, develop their talents, and excel in their chosen fields.


Nevertheless, the pathways offered here at NISC to our students enable them to have a range of options to customize their educational journey. Whether it is the IB Diploma, IB Courses, or the High School Diploma pathway, these programs provide students with the tools and opportunities to achieve their academic goals.


By embracing these pathways here at NISC, students can unlock their full potential and embark on a rewarding educational journey that sets them on the path to success