10 May, 2024

The crucial 14 weeks: Setting the stage for a stellar IB Extended Essay at Northbridge

The crucial 14 weeks: Setting the stage for a stellar IB Extended Essay (EE) at Northbridge - The crucial 14 weeks setting the stage for a stellar IB Extended Essay at Northbridge
The crucial 14 weeks: Setting the stage for a stellar IB Extended Essay at Northbridge

By Bruce Zeemel
Extended Essay Coordinator

The next 14 weeks are a critical juncture for Northbridge International School Cambodia Grade 11 IB Extended Essay (EE) students who have completed their first interaction with their supervisors.

Here are why these next few weeks hold immense significance and ways that parents of students studying for the IB anywhere in Phnom Penh can support them:


Now, the focus shifts towards crafting a robust interim report and a summer research plan that will lay the groundwork for a successful final essay.


Solidifying The Research Direction:


·        Refining the Topic: The first interaction provided valuable feedback from their supervisor. They should use this time to address any concerns, refine their research question, and ensure it is specific, clear, and allows for a deep exploration within the chosen subject area.


·        Strengthen their Knowledge Base: Conduct a thorough literature review. Explore academic journals, credible websites, and relevant books to identify existing research on their topic. This will help them understand the existing scholarship, identify gaps, and carve their unique niche within the field.


Building a Strong Interim Report:


·        Demonstrate Progress: Their interim report showcases their initiative and progress to their supervisor. It outlines the research completed thus far, the challenges faced, and the solutions explored. This report lays the foundation for their final summer research plan.


·        Structure the Report Effectively: Typically, an interim report includes:


o   A brief introduction revisiting their research question and its significance.

o   A summary of the research conducted so far, including sources reviewed and key findings.

o   A clear outline of any challenges encountered, and steps taken to address them.

o   A detailed summer research plan outlining your data collection methods, timeline, and anticipated outcomes.

o   A bibliography of all sources utilized.


Crafting a Fruitful Summer Research Plan:


·        Set SMART Goals: Develop Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound (SMART) goals for their summer research. This ensures their plan is clear, focused, and achievable within the timeframe.


·        Identify Data Collection Strategies: Depending on their subject area, determine the data collection methods they will employ. This might involve conducting interviews, surveys, field research, analysing historical documents, or utilizing experimental methods.


·        Plan Their Time Wisely: Schedule their research activities efficiently, allocating time for data collection, analysis, and writing. Factor in buffer periods for unforeseen delays.


A Solid Summer Leads to a Stellar Final EE:


·        Hitting the Ground Running: With a well-defined research plan and a solid foundation built during these 14 weeks, they can hit the ground running when summer break begins. This allows them to maximize their research productivity and avoid last-minute scrambling.


·        Reduced Stress and Increased Confidence: A clear plan helps manage stress and anxiety. Knowing what needs to be done and having a timeline in place instils confidence and allows them to navigate the research process more effectively.


Remember: The first EE submission on August 26th is not the final product. However, a strong summer research plan and a well-written interim report will demonstrate their commitment and initiative to their supervisor. This initial success story sets the stage for a well-researched, well-written, and ultimately, an outstanding final Extended Essay.