Nord Anglia Education
St Andrews Bangkok
24 November, 2020

Key Stage 2: Nursery Rhyme week a massive hit!

Key Stage 2: Nursery Rhyme week a massive hit! Don’t forget to leave a present or two under the Christmas tree for the children at the Bangkok Refugee Centre (BRC). A big well done to KS2 for helping make Nursery Rhyme week a massive hit! We have learnt a lot this past Anti-Bullying week. And….EVACUATE! Find out how Y6 took us back to the WWII era. key2

Don’t forget to leave a present or two under the Christmas tree for the children at the Bangkok Refugee Centre (BRC). A big well done to KS2 for helping make Nursery Rhyme week a massive hit! We have learnt a lot this past Anti-Bullying week. And….EVACUATE! Find out how Y6 took us back to the WWII era.  

Christmas - the time of giving

As always, we will be collecting presents to donate to the children at the Bangkok Refugee Centre (BRC). The children who the centre helps often leave behind everything to escape war, persecution or extreme poverty. A small gift can make a big difference when you have nothing, so we ask everyone in our community to prepare a gift box, which will be delivered to the BRC in time for Christmas.

KS2 families can leave their gifts under the Christmas Tree in the School Office, which will be appearing this Friday. The boxes could include: small toys, toiletries, books, underwear, etc. When you have filled and wrapped your box, please make sure it is clearly labelled. The label must include who it’s for - boy or girl - and which age group the box is suitable for. Boxes can be left under the Christmas tree in the School Office. 

Rhyming fun in KS2

Last week was nursery rhyme week at the primary campus. The children in KS2 got involved in helping promote the week for younger students with KS2 classes buddying up with younger aged children to read and perform some nursery rhymes.

Some of the children from across KS2 transformed themselves into nursery rhyme characters to provide a great experience for the younger children with an amazing hot seating activity. The younger children were able to ask each character questions and the KS2 students kept in character to provide some engaging answers to bring the rhymes to life.

Mrs Dimple, one of the library team, ran a nursery rhyme craft activity. The children who entered came up with very interesting ways to illustrate their chosen nursery rhymes. The judging was challenging as so much hard work had gone into crafting their diorama, models and pictures. The KS2 winners were Avi and Peach (Y4).

Anti-Bullying Week @ STA

Last week was also anti-bullying week across the Primary School. The week began with bright clothes day and odd socks day to raise money that will be used to create some welcoming spaces to encourage children who may need some help finding friends. This will include a friendship bench. We also had some of the school council running an open clinic where children could pop along for advice if they had any friendship issues or other concerns.



Y6 stepped back in time last Friday as they got to experience life for a child living during WWII. The book they have been reading- The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe- tells the story of some children who are evacuated from the city during the war to live with their uncle in the countryside. This helped with their fantasy story writing- the children in the book entered a magical world through the wardrobe in their uncle’s house.

During the day, the children found out how challenging life as an evacuee could be and also did some code breaking using their own, mini-enigma machines.

STA Farmer’s Market with Happy Grocers- How to order:

Here is a comprehensive list of fresh produce you can order. This includes different milks in glass reusable bottles, bread, meats, tofu and fresh and delicious local fruit and vegetables. You can preorder using this form, but a range of products will be available on the day. Follow this link for more about Happy Grocers.

Christmas Card Competition

Partnership for Children, who bring Apple & Zippy to our PSHE lessons in Years 1 to 4, is running a Christmas Card Competition and the winning design will be used for their official Charity Christmas Card. Students also have the chance to win an Apple’s Friends or Zippy’s Friends resource pack for their class, as well as some house points. All they need to do is draw a colourful, festive picture of the Apple, Zippy & Friends characters on the given template, which they can get from their class teacher or the library. Entries should be handed to class teachers or Ms Selina by Monday 23rd November. The form to enter the competition can be found here.