AGES 16–18


The BTEC is an established qualification preparing students to make a difference in employment.
BTEC Level 3 Business | British International School of Houston - Feature Cards Pattern

BTEC students make a difference

Business and Technology Education Council (BTEC) offers practical experience that's often lacking in more traditional educational routes. Students undertake a number of units for which they present evidence, based on real-life work and studies. This allows them to demonstrate their skills and knowledge in practical situations, so they can make a direct impact.

No Exam Pressure
Some students thrive through the pressure of exams, but others often fail to achieve their potential. With a BTEC course of study, teachers measure progress throughout the course, allowing students to gauge their performance on a continuing basis. Seeing the progress they have made throughout the course — rather than waiting until the end to sit an exam — keeps students motivated.
Inspiring Confidence and Teamwork
Learning should be fun, not daunting. In our experience, students enjoy BTEC programs because they can specialise in areas of learning linked to the work that interests them, such as sport, art, business, information technology, or music. This builds their confidence.

Teamwork is also an important aspect in the world of work and is a feature of BTECs. Students work on assignments both individually and in groups.
Self-Paced and Flexible
Students must meet deadlines set by teachers, but can do this at their own pace, rather than having to perform to the time constraints of an exam. Teachers monitor progress individually and provide personal support and guidance.

Learning is progressive, from small topics to larger or more complex themes. As part of the IBCC, students can choose to study BTECs at subsidiary diploma, diploma, or extended diploma level.
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EdExcel, the examining board, is continually developing and updating BTECs in response to the needs and skills required by employers. This ensures that students gain the maximum benefit from their work while qualifying, and that their qualifications stay current and relevant.

All BTEC qualifications are developed in co-operation with the relevant Sector Skills Council (SSC), ensuring they meet the needs of employers.


Through the International Baccalaureate Career-related Diploma (IBCP) at BIS Houston, students can gain an exceptional head start on their intended career path. Alongside IB coursework and professional skills, they may gain dual college or university credits in business, engineering, art and design, and beyond!

Academic Excellence Composition