Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
19 March, 2019

Upper Primary Assembly: A Sky Full of Stars by 3JH, 3KN and 3LT

Planets Assembly by 3LT 3KN and 3JH  Link 540x329
Upper Primary Assembly: A Sky Full of Stars by 3JH, 3KN and 3LT

This term, Year 3 have been learning all about Time and Place, Earth and Space as part of our IPC project.

Upper Primary Assembly: A Sky Full of Stars by 3JH, 3KN and 3LT 3JH, 3KN and 3LT Class Assembly all about the Solar System

This term, Year 3 have been learning all about Time and Place, Earth and Space as part of our IPC project.

3JH, 3KN and 3LT have had the pleasure of working together to showcase our learning by performing a class assembly all about the Solar System. The children worked extremely hard to learn their lines off by heart and delivered them with glowing confidence. They also learnt a dance to show the star constellations and sang the song, 'A Sky Full of Stars' to complete the assembly. Miss Howard, Mr. Neeson and Miss Torres are incredibly proud of the way the children worked together, supported one another and for the enthusiasm they showed throughout the practises. Well done all!

Jessica Howard
Year 3 Class Teacher