Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
08 September, 2022

6 Benefits of Summer Camps


Whilst the summer is a valuable time for children to unwind from the school routine and spend time with family, there aren’t many better ways for your child to spend the warmer months than at a summer camp. As a parent, you can expect your child to hone many skills and enjoy plenty of benefits from attending summer camp. 

1. Teamwork

Summer camps focus on a wide variety of physical, interpersonal and character-related skills that your child will draw on long after summer camp is over.

For example, summer camps are heavily focused on team-related activities. Be it going on a hike through the woods, or competing in team-orientated tasks on campus, instructors always ensure there is a skill-building focus.

These team-based activities will help to build a collaborative mindset in each of the camp members. To foster good teamwork, children need to develop strong communication skills, problem-solve, and make tough decisions. These are all vital characteristics needed in later life, and a summer camp can be one of the best ways to develop them.

2. Becoming more independent

At summer camp, there will be plenty of focus on developing self-reliance; something a child will hold onto come adulthood. To foster a good level of independence, summer camp instructors teach responsibility and independent thinking. It can help your child discover who they are and speak for themselves, without mum or dad to fall back on.

3. Making new friends

Summer camp is full of children just like your son or daughter. A collection of children with the same interests and a whole host of fun activities ahead of them provides a fantastic way to make friends.

At summer camp, children will bond over their common goals and shared experiences. Working together to solve a problem and achieve something is a rewarding experience your child will share with the other camp members. From there, lasting friendships are born.

4. Embracing the Great Outdoors

Staying active is key to keeping children fit and healthy. Social media, technology, and gaming can bring challenges to this, but summer camps can inspire a love of the great outdoors in your child.

Summer camps take advantage of the warmer weather and natural surroundings, embracing the great outdoors and promoting a healthy lifestyle. Many summer camps are full of outdoor, physical activities and sporting endeavours. There will be no shortage of opportunity to head outside and use up all that energy.

5. Building self-esteem

Learning new skills, achieving goals and being a part of something productive is essential to building self-esteem.

Painting something from nature, winning at the camp’s mini Olympics, or reaching the top of the climbing wall; they’re all activities that breed confidence and deliver a boost in self-esteem.

Solid self-esteem is so vital to your child’s development. With more confidence to try new things, ask questions, learn from setbacks and express themselves, a child with self-esteem is more equipped to overcome challenges.

6. Unearthing new hobbies

As a parent, you’ve probably spent countless hours encouraging your child to take part in various sporting, creative, or artistic pursuits. Where summer camp can help is by truly unearthing a brand-new area where a child excels.  

At summer camp, a child will get to try their hand at a whole host of activities. A fun environment where children of any skill level can learn something new allows children to find their own niche.

Having an outlet and something to focus on is important for a child’s development. They not only learn new skills but also develop greater confidence from excelling in their field.

Summer Camps at PBIS

All of these social and physical benefits form the cornerstone of our Summer Fun programme at PBIS. Additionally, all of our camps are fully international and led in English, providing children from all walks of life with the perfect opportunity to gain confidence in an English-speaking environment.

The price of our camps is fully inclusive and covers the cost of all activities, materials, transportation, morning and afternoon snacks and a cooked lunch.

Furthermore, we operate two shuttle bus services to our camp every day, free of charge, collecting children from our Vlastina campus in Prague 6 and Náměstí Míru in Prague 2. These provide a convenient solution for families located in different parts of the city.

This summer we have put together our most comprehensive selection of summer camps yet which will run for six weeks starting Monday 11th July, and includes options for all interests and ages.