Guide for New Families at high school

high school guide

Welcome to High School

A guide to helping new families with the start of school at St Andrews International School Bangkok.


We are looking forward to welcoming you to High School and hope that the children are as excited as we are! To help you prepare for the start of school, please see the information below, which we hope you will find useful. 


School Uniform

The High School Uniform Guide will give you all the information you need on school uniforms. New students will be assigned House colours once school has started, so you can

purchase your House polo shirt during the first week of term (House shirts are worn every Friday). 

High School uniforms can be purchased directly from the Uniform  Shop, which is located on campus. The Uniform Shop is open Monday to Friday between 8:30 am to 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm to 3:30 pm for more details or if you have any questions, please call +662 056-9554. 

If you are new to St Andrews, our friendly staff will be happy to assist you with your child’s specific uniform requirements. This is an excellent opportunity to beat the rush and ensure your kids are smartly attired for the new school year. If you are unavailable to visit us before school begins, uniforms can always be purchased at the start of term.


Year Groups 7 - 11



Year Groups 12 - 13


Your child will be assigned to a House at the start of the new term, so there is no need to purchase a House polo shirt at this time. House shirts are worn every Friday and during special House events throughout the year. 


Student ID Card Lanyards

All High School students are required to wear their student ID card lanyard at all times and use them to enter and exit the school premises, as well as buying lunch and printing. After purchasing school uniforms, please visit our School Office so that we can take your child’s photo for their student ID card, which will be provided on his/her first day at school. Parents will also be provided with ID cards to enter the school premises. These have a red lanyard, and we would kindly request that you wear these at all times when on the school campus. 



Shuttle Bus

For the convenience of our entire community and to ease car park congestion, we have free morning and afternoon shuttle buses looping along 3 bus routes and serving both parents and students at both the Primary School and the High School.


Please review our Shuttle Bus Information page for approximate departure times from each location.


Door to Door Transport 
St Andrews also offers a paid door-to-door school bus service. Pricing, pick-up times, and drop-off times are determined by location zones. You can find additional information regarding this service on the School Bus Fees section on the Tuition Fees page. Please contact our Transport Team at [] if you would like to sign up for this service or have any questions. Both of these services will begin at the start of Term.


Canteen Service

Our High School canteen is run by Epicure, who provide catering services to many international schools in Bangkok. Students are able to purchase lunch with their school ID card which acts as a stored-value card. Their cards can be topped up either online via Moodle or in-person in the School Office. 

Menus are made available each week via Moodle so that you can discuss food choices with your children ahead of time. Food choices take into account the many different dietary requirements of our students, and there is usually something available for even the most difficult of eaters.

For the health and safety of all students, please be reminded that St Andrews is a Nut-Free school.



Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Policy

For four years now, we have operated a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) programme for High School students, and all High School students are required to bring their own computing device to lessons each day.

In response to concerns around both bag weight and battery life, we extended the range of devices that students were able to bring to school, which now includes hybrid tablet-style devices (e.g. Microsoft Surface, iPad Pro) as long as they have a physical keyboard that can be attached. 

We have purposefully kept the device specifications as broad as possible in recognition of the fact that different students prefer different devices.  It is likely that students can simply use the devices that they already have, so that parents won’t have to purchase a new device for the BYOD programme. To read more about the BYOD Policy or find out more details about specifications, please click here.




Every week we send out a Newsletter with links to important information about future events, as well as a look back at other school activities. We have imported all of the email addresses you provided into our database. If you wish to review past issues, along with recent emails to the STA community, you can visit the archive page



The First Day of School

Our school day begins at 7:45 am. On your child’s first day, they enter through the flap gates wearing their school uniform. Staff members will be on hand to help direct students to the appropriate meeting point for their Year Group. When in class, your child will be assigned buddies by their Tutor to help them settle in and find their way around their new school. 

We encourage you to follow us on our other channels to stay up to date on all things happening at St Andrews. 

St Andrews News, Blog & Events 
Parent-Teacher Group (PTG) Facebook
Flames and Marlins Facebook

We hope you are excited that your child will be joining St Andrews this school year, and we look forward to seeing you soon!


School Map
