Nord Anglia Education
St Andrews Bangkok
10 September, 2018

Art: Spotlight on Year 7 Artists

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Art: Spotlight on Year 7 Artists Year 7 artists have made a great start in High School creating skilled drawings that investigate the formal elements.

Year 7 artists have made a great start in High School creating skilled drawings that investigate the formal elements.

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Our young artists in Year 7 have been learning about the formal elements of Art and have been experimenting with drawing techniques that explore different types of line, tone and texture. Mastering these skills at an early age provides an excellent foundation for art students, giving them the confidence to try out a variety of art-making processes. One of our central philosophies in the art department is to promote the idea that there cannot be a wrong answer in art, only more or less effective ways of communicating an intention or idea. The teachers of the art department have been very impressed with the creative approach of the Year 7 students. Watching them investigate different ways of solving creative problems in their recent drawings we have truly felt that here is a group of students who embody the notion of being of a growth mindset. Here are a few examples of their work in progress. Artwork by Nana, Pin, Anakin, Si Woo, Amee, Ren, Ohm, Riya and Plaifah.

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Artist of the Week

This week we celebrate the work of Harry in Year 7. Harry’s drawing of a bearded postman was inspired by a Van Gogh portrait. Harry drew this artwork using a variety of linear and mark-making techniques, creating a dynamic sense of character.

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