Nord Anglia Education
St Andrews Bangkok
11 February, 2019

Key Stage 2: Full STEAM ahead to Book Week

110219 ks2 1
Key Stage 2: Full STEAM ahead to Book Week Read about an exciting STEAM challenge to keep your children busy over half-term...Busking Week is in full swing and there is some interesting information about Book Week.

Read about an exciting STEAM challenge to keep your children busy over half-term...Busking Week is in full swing and there is some interesting information about Book Week.

Book Week STEAM challenge

Little Red Riding Hood needs your help… She needs to get her basket of goodies safely to Grandma’s house but she has heard that there’s a Big Bad World lurking in the forest. How could you help either Little Red Riding Hood get safely through the woods to Grandma’s house or how could you help transport the basket of goodies to Grandma’s so that she doesn’t have to enter the forest?

You could draw a plan of your ideas or a picture and annotate it with notes so that your intentions are clear. You could make a model or create a video to show your process – come and share your work with Miss Sarah (Year 6, room C11).

House points for every entry.
DEADLINE: Monday 25 March.

Do any of these pictures help inspire you? Do you have your own creative idea? You could work on your own, with a sibling or with a friend.

Busking Week

The sign up sheet for Busking Week is full, so there should be lots of entertainment for the children at playtimes. If your child hasn’t signed up yet but would like to, they can choose a location to busk and add their name at the side of the sheet.

Children who are not performing can bring in donations for our buskers of 1, 2, 5 or 10 baht coins or small notes (e.g., 20 or 50 baht).

Morning Concerts

Each morning there will be a concert at 7:30 a.m. in the Year 6 Quad where parents can enjoy performances and make their own donations for our House Charities:

  • Tuesday - STA Rec
  • Wednesday – STA MiniSing and International STA Mini Sing, STA Strum
  • Thursday - STA Sing Girls and Boys
  • Friday - Dance

Book Week

This year, Book Week takes place in the week beginning 25 March. We usually have a visiting author, however, this year, for a change, we will be inviting an author and illustrator - Karin Littlewood - in to work with the children. As always, during the week the children will take part in a range of activities and competitions based around books. The week will finish with our annual Book Character parade. You have plenty of time to start getting creative and think of a fantastic book character costume for your children to wear for the parade.

Jonathan Camm

Jonathan Camm will now be visiting us on Thursday 7 March. He will be giving workshops and presentations to KS2 and will also be selling copies of his books. Some of you already placed orders last term, with some people having paid already. We have a record of this, so there’s no need to use the following link unless you’d like to order extra books. If you would like to, order any of his books, please use this link to the Google Form. We will be collecting the money on the 4 and 5 March.

Well Child Policy

This is especially important with the remainder of our KS2 residential trips coming up. If your child is off school in the days before the trip, particularly if they have been diagnosed with influenza, we may ask for a medical certificate to say that they are well enough to attend the trip. If, on the morning of the trip, a child shows signs of illness, we will send them to the nurse to assess whether they are well enough to attend.

Important dates for the term

  • Year 3 Residential: 13 - 15 February
  • HALF TERM - 18 -22 February
  • Year 5 Residential: 25 February - 1 March