Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
19 June, 2015

An Update from the Chairman of our Parents' Association

An Update from the Chairman of our Parents' Association - an-update-from-the-chairman-of-our-parents-association
An Update from the Chairman of our Parents' Association
An Update from the Chairman of our Parents' Association Please read an update by our PA Chairman, Mr. Simon Warwick, about all the wonderful events & activities held this year, raising money for charity & having lots of fun as well

Dear Parents

It has been another year packed with events and social activities which has resulted in the PA raising a great deal of money for charity and having lots of fun as we did it.    

Getting the whole school involved in ‘International Day’ was an amazing experience and a showcase for the countries and cultures that make up the BSB community. The day began with a colourful display of costumes from different countries and many proudly following their country flag as they snaked around the field. The stalls representing many countries were a vibrant mix of colours, sights and sounds. The stall displays created by the parents were amazing - students, teachers and parents went around the stalls and were entertained by a variety of ways - with dancing, singing and some delicious food.

As the cold weather gripped Beijing it was time for the German Christmas Market - it was an event of glühwein, hog roast and a truly festive atmosphere, while raising lots of money for charities.

As the Christmas season beckoned it was time for the PA to setup and run the “Santa’s Secret Shoppe”.  This is a great way to help the students buy gifts for their friends and family in secret so when the time came recipients were truly surprised with the gifts they received. 

With the start of the New Year the focus moved to the PA Charity Ball in April.  An evening of fine dining and great entertainment along with an auction of artwork created by BSB students and donated prizes was a fantastic way to raise money for disadvantaged children in China.  The two charities: - “Care for Children” and “Shepherds Field Orphanage” were supported and this will have a huge impact on the children’s lives. 

In addition to the main events the PA Welcome Team was hugely important in welcoming families to BSB. They organised coffee mornings and also arranged cycling and walking trips, cooking lessons, visits to the local hospitals and vital First Aid training sessions.

As my year as Chairman now comes to an end I would like to thank all those who were involved in the above events.  These can only happen with the time and effort provided by the parent volunteers.  Thanks to you all for your contribution and help.

For the new school year we are introducing a different structure for the PA. We have created a PA Leadership Team run by Pearly Goh, Livia Frossard, Annette Bellillo, Bo Young Kim and Lisa Li.  The Leadership Team will then create smaller “Event Teams” for activities that the PA runs, such as ‘International Day team’, ‘Santa’s Secret Shoppe team’, ‘Trips team’, etc. The first PA meeting will be held on Wednesday 9th Sept at 10am.  Remember that EVERY parent at BSB is automatically a member of the PA so you are all welcome.  If you are interested in joining a team, please contact

For all those who are moving away from BSB I wish you all the best in the future. I wish everyone a happy and restful summer break and look forward to seeing those returning at the Welcome Back Picnic on Sunday 30th August.

Best Wishes

Simon Warwick

PA Chairman

Please click on the link below to view our PA News and Events Blog