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On the 26th and 27th April, BIS Abu Dhabi had a visit from the World Scholar’s Cup, who held a competition for our students. We had 55 students participating over the course of the two days in a range of academic competitions.
At BIS Abu Dhabi, Kindness, Honesty, and Respect are so much more than words. They’re our core values – the principles our community lives and learns by every day.
We know how important it is to instill values like these in our students. But how do we do it? In this article, we discuss our commitment to Personal, Social, and Moral Education – and how initiatives like the BISAD Diploma help to nurture socially responsible, culturally aware, well-rounded young people.
Student health and wellbeing is at the heart of everything we do at BIS Abu Dhabi.
Putting mental health and wellbeing first ensures our young people are happy, healthy, and love coming to school every day. This, in turn, enables them to thrive academically and build strong social relationships.
Our teachers, pastoral staff, and two specialist counsellors drive our holistic approach, implementing whole-school support programmes, coming up with innovative ideas, and making sure your child receives the right care and attention.
In this article, we discuss some of our emotional support strategies – from encouraging student voices to the safe use of technology.
As a Nord Anglia Education school, our teachers never stop learning. We handpick outstanding educators to join our exciting professional community, where they collaborate, brainstorm, share best practice and innovate with colleagues from more than 85 schools around the world. In March, more than 200 international educators descended on Hanoi, Vietnam to innovate, problem solve and brainstorm at one of the world’s largest academic conferences.
Come and relive the vibrant energy of our One People One Planet Celebration! On Tuesday, 30th January, our school was transformed into a hub of unity, wellness, and sustainability.
Our students poured their dedication and creativity into organising this event, and their hard work was evident in the beaming smiles that filled the air. From thought-provoking TED Talks on sustainability to enlightening presentations by guest speakers, the morning was brimming with inspiration and learning opportunities.
In the afternoon, under the warm sun, families indulged in a plethora of festival-style activities and sports. From the rhythmic melodies of BIYAND's performance to the laughter echoing through the Eco Enterprise area games and the excitement of the FI recycled cars competition, there was something for everyone.
At The British International School Abu Dhabi (BIS Abu Dhabi), our passion for learning goes beyond the classroom walls, it’s the driving force behind everything we do. I became a teacher, because I loved learning in my own school days, and I continue to aspire to be a lifelong learner. My goal is to instil this passion in my students, empowering them to become independent and self-driven learners.
Last weekend, our joint BIS Abu Dhabi and NAS Dubai Nord Anglia Education Rugby Team participated in Dubai 7s. This is the first time two Nord Anglia Education schools have come together to form a ‘representative’ team and we are incredibly proud of all the boys who were selected to represent the school and the Nord Anglia Education group on the pitch.
Before I start this week’s newsletter, I want to thank you all for the partnership and support you continue to show as we work together as a community to educate our children. I do hope you are able to enjoy some of the winter break as a family and have time together that is memorable for all the good reasons. Our children grow up so quickly and such moments matter to us; I wish you all the best over the break and look forward to your safe return in the new year.
Sometime in the late 1990’s I walked into a café in Birmingham and said ‘hello’ to a student of mine who happened to be there enjoying lunch with her family. Mum and Dad smiled at me, said hello and I overheard the girl whisper ‘that’s my History teacher’ to them. I’ve always quite enjoyed the minor celebrity status of being a teacher out of the school building. Students are often very confused by the notion that teachers exist outside of the classroom. A while later, as the family left the café, the father gave me a nod, smiled and said
‘‘History teacher eh? What year was the Battle of Waterloo then?’’
On Thursday, 23rd November BIS Abu Dhabi held an exciting Rubik's Cube Tournament, drawing in the talents of 13 students who showcased their impressive problem-solving skills and dexterity. The event was triggered by a Year 6 student's impressive Rubik's Cube solve during our BISAD's Got Talent, which ignited a spark of curiosity and determination among the school community.
The BSME (British Schools Middle East) Games is the highlight of the sporting calendar for any multi-sport athlete. At the beginning of the academic year students attend a rigorous trial to compete for a place within the squad. The PE Department selects 12 girls and 12 boys to represent the school in Football and Volleyball for the boys and Football and Netball for the girls. This year was extra exciting, due to the opportunity to travel to Kuwait.
The BIS Abu Dhabi Team would like to remind our community that our Term One CCA programme finishes on Friday 24th November.
If your child is registered with an external provider, please contact the company leading their CCA to establish their finish date.