Ms Rebecca Carroll Weekly Update 11/5/2018 | British International School Hanoi - ms-rebecca-carroll-weekly-update-11-5-2018
Nord Anglia
11 May, 2018

Ms Rebecca Carroll Weekly Update 11/5/2018

Under 11 FOBISIA 7 May 2018 41
Ms Rebecca Carroll Weekly Update 11/5/2018

Our Under 11’s team certainly had a fantastic Fobisia Games this year.

Ms Rebecca Carroll Weekly Update 11/5/2018 A Hero’s Welcome for Our U11 Fobisia Team

Our Under 11’s team certainly had a fantastic Fobisia Games this year.


A hero’s welcome for our U11 Fobisia Team

They returned tired and weary, late on Wednesday night but delighted and weighed down by medals and trophies; our Under 11’s team certainly had a fantastic Fobisia Games this year. In addition to the medals and the trophies were stories of: excellent ambassadors for our school, brilliant sporting behaviour and students that embodied our Aide Memoire.

Since August, and for some Term 3 last year, these students have been training. They have given up lunchtimes, come in early and stayed late for ECAs to prepare for this sporting competition. Mr. Atkinson and our PE staff have supported them all the way and encouraged them to keep going when, at times, it was challenging.

These students are an inspiration to us all, showing that continued hard work and effort pays off. We are all incredibly proud of you and congratulate you all on your fantastic efforts.

Shared Learning in Primary

Children in EYC welcomed in their parents this morning for shared learning; it was a wonderful for opportunity for the children to share work they are proud of and talk about learning with their parents. Children in F1 and 2 were teaching songs, making pirate swords and mark making; whilst the F3 and Year 1s were sharing writing, topic, maths and phonics highlights. It was heart-warming to see how engaged the children were, talking passionately to their parents and sharing their success.


This afternoon it was the turn of Phase 2 and 3 to share their successes and achievements with parents. Walking around the Primary corridors seeing students deep in conversation and teaching their parents about areas of study they have covered this year is wonderful to see. Perhaps one of the most significant opportunities during these sessions is seeing and celebrating the progress the students have made since the beginning of the year; it is incredible to see how far they have come and I know this always spurs on and motivates our learners. Thank you to all parents who were able to come along to this celebration of learning.

Good luck to all our students involved in the Swimming Gala tomorrow!

Wishing you a wonderful weekend,

Ms Rebecca Carroll, Head of Primary

Congratulations to our fine diners this week:
-    Tae Hyeon 2I
-    Ji Seo 2I
-    Jung Woo 3I
-    Sophia 3I
-    Minh Thuy 4I
-    Yen Ngoc 4S
-    Dai Duong 4S
-    Mickey 4S
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