Perseverance brings progress: wonderful writing in Primary | British International School Hanoi - perseverance-brings-progress-wonderful-writing-in-primary
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01 June, 2018

Perseverance brings progress: wonderful writing in Primary

Perseverance brings progress: wonderful writing in Primary

Progress for our students is personal, it is about where they begin and how they move forward. 

Perseverance brings progress: wonderful writing in Primary Progress for our students is personal, it is about where they begin and how they move forward.

Progress for our students is personal, it is about where they begin and how they move forward. 


Our approach to writing at BIS is simple yet thorough; to ensure our students are being taught the necessary skills to further develop, teachers use an assessment process called ‘Launchpad and Showcase’. These are two independent pieces of writing that take place at the start and end of each unit; writing is assessed at the beginning to identify skills that need to be taught and again, as an opportunity to showcase the skills students have learned, at the end of a genre.

To ensure high standards, our teachers spend time reflecting on the children’s work, sit together in teams and look at the progress of our students to identify where the students need to go next. Moderation is a crucial part of the assessment process and ensures rigour in our teaching and the best for our students.

Over the course of the year, teachers meet regularly to look at writing standards and skills across year groups, phases and the whole of Primary. This ranges from our emergent writers in F3 at the beginning of the year to complex sentences, where students in Year 6 are use strategies such as building tension, humour and ‘show not tell’ to keep the reader captivated. This week our teachers met again after school as a team, to reflect on the students writing that is being tracked and monitored carefully over the year. As they looked at the progress of your children they felt proud of the achievement and progress of their students.

Progress for our students is personal, it is about where they began the year and how they have moved forward.  The reward for our committed teachers is seeing the hard work pay off, the progress and the smiles of achievement on the children’s faces. I hope, over the next few weeks as you receive end of year reports and talk about your child’s progress, you will share smiles and celebrate the fantastic achievements of our Primary students. I hope you enjoy looking at some of the writing examples below.

Is there a  new superhero in town?

‘Water Warriors’ flew into the F1 assembly to help out. As our youngest children gave us some important messages about water and how to use it responsibly the superheroes were also on hand to remind us to: Turn off the tap and only take the water we need. Along with songs and rhymes, they entertained us all with their performance. Well done F1 and fantastic assembly.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend,

Ms Rebecca Carroll, Head of Primary


Congratulations to our fine diners this week:

-    Mei 5I

-    Bunny 5I

-    An Duy 6B

-    Son Phat 6B

-    Brian 6I

-    Nathan 6B

-    Young Woo 6I

-    Magnus 6S

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