Year 12 Biology Field Trip to Ba Vi 2019 | BIS Hanoi - year-12-biology-field-trip-to-ba-vi-2019
Nord Anglia
11 March, 2019

Year 12 Biology Field Trip to Ba Vi 2019

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Year 12 Biology Field Trip to Ba Vi 2019 Year 12 Biology IBDP students travelled to Ba Vi homestead to learn ecology content of their course out in the field.

Year 12 Biology IBDP students travelled to Ba Vi homestead to learn ecology content of their course out in the field.

They learned all about abiotic sampling techniques using probes and lab disc machines, chemical tests, clinometers and flow rate measures.

We went into the local river and took various abiotic and biotic measurements.

They mastered kick sampling skills and used ID charts to monitor the pollution levels and species types in the river.

Having mastered all these skills they sent the evening in the classroom on-site formulating research questions and filling in ecology worksheets to learn course content.

The second day was spent working in teams to carry out data collection using the various techniques to answer their chosen research questions. This data can be used for the internal assessments (IA work) required for 20% of their Biology IBDP course.

Students worked very hard gaining many ecology skills during their 2-day field trip and hopefully be enjoyed learning biology outdoors.

Hannah Agass

CAS Coordinator & Teacher of Science