Phase 1 has been working very hard this week - phase-1-has-been-working-very-hard-this-week
Nord Anglia
21 February, 2020

Phase 1 has been working very hard this week!

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Phase 1 has been working very hard this week! Everybody has been working so hard in Phase 1 this week making each of your teachers feel very proud of the work you are doing at home! 

Everybody has been working so hard in Phase 1 this week making each of your teachers feel very proud of the work you are doing at home! 

In Maths this week, we have been learning to count in 10’s, changing direction and positions and learning lots of new vocabulary, whilst in Y2 we have been looking at arrays, to help learn about multiplication – its has been wonderful to see how creative you can be when you are at home as well!

In Literacy this week, we have been doing lots of FANTASTIC writing, concentrating hard on our handwriting, spellings and using our phonics to write a variety of items; this ranges from diary entries to stories to instructions! Your stories have been great to see, listen to and are very imaginative and creative.

All of your teachers look forward to seeing you again very soon!

Catherine Passmore

Year One Teacher/Phase One Leader