Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
19 February, 2019

Year 6 Exit Point

Year 6 Exit Point

As part of their new IPC topic ‘AD 900’, Year 6 students took part in a ‘Meet and Greet’ session in the school canteen for their entry point.

Year 6 Exit Point As part of their new IPC topic ‘AD 900’, Year 6 students took part in a ‘Meet and Greet’ session in the school canteen for their entry point.

As part of their new IPC topic ‘AD 900’, Year 6 students took part in a ‘Meet and Greet’ session in the school canteen for their entry point.

Students from all Year 6 classes were challenged to come in to school dressed as a famous person from any time in history. In addition to a costume and props, the children had to know:

  1. The name of their famous person.
  2. The year of their birth and death (or if they were still alive)
  3. What they were/are famous for.

As always, the students (and their Parents!) delivered the goods and it was great to see such a wide range of creative costumes and fantastic famous people. The students enjoyed learning about each other’s characters before taking part in a fabulous IPC fashion show!

Once the event had finished, it was time for students to vote for the ‘Best Dressed’, ‘Best Effort’ and ‘Most Informative’ characters. We are pleased to announce the following winning students:

Best Dressed: Lola, 6TH

Best Effort: Olivia, 6LC

Most Informative: Tetsu, 6KK

We look forward to starting our new AD900 topic in the days to come.

Thomas Handley
Year 6 Teacher