Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
24 May, 2019

Year 13 Graduation 2019

Year 13 Graduation 2019 Yesterday was a momentous day for Dover Court International School. For our first cohort of IB students, Thursday 23rd May marked their final day of exams and for all of our Year 13 students this day also marked their Graduation.

Yesterday was a momentous day for Dover Court International School. For our first cohort of IB students, Thursday 23rd May marked their final day of exams and for all of our Year 13 students this day also marked their Graduation.

The Graduation Ceremony was held at Eden Hall, the British High Commissioners Residence and hosted by Alexandra Mckenzie, Deputy High Commissioner. Our Year 13 students left Dover Court to tumultuous applause from students and staff and arrived at Eden Hall having stopped off for photos in the Botanic Gardens. Proud parents of our Graduates arrived at the reception followed by DCIS staff and Year 12 students. DCIS musicians and the Choir also attended the event and provided a wonderful music backdrop to the reception and musical interludes during the ceremony.

During the Ceremony the audience heard speeches from Mr O’Shea, IB Coordinator; Alexandra McKenzie, Deputy High Commissioner; Miss Sood, Head Girl; Mr Bull, Head of Secondary and Mr Short, Principal. Graduation scrolls were presented to the students by Ms Hyland, Deputy Head and Mr Bull. We were delighted to welcome back former principal Dr Roach MBE and Ms Heather Rinaldi, who was instrumental in launching the IB Diploma Programme at DCIS.

We would like to congratulate our pioneering Year 13s on all their successes at Dover Court, they have had a tremendous impact on the school and will be sorely missed, but we know that they will leave a legacy that will be appreciated by future cohorts. We can’t wait to hear more about their plans for the future once their results are known in July.