F3 Visit to Vietnam Museum of Ethnology | BIS Hanoi-f3-visit-to-vietnam-museum-of-ethnology-1-1 copy
Nord Anglia
29 November, 2018

F3 Visit to Vietnam Museum of Ethnology

F3 Visit to Vietnam Museum of Ethnology | BIS Hanoi-f3-visit-to-vietnam-museum-of-ethnology-IMG_3219  Copy
F3 Visit to Vietnam Museum of Ethnology It was a beautiful sunny day to walk around and the children had a fantastic time looking at the different materials used to build the traditional Vietnamese houses.

F3 classes went on a trip to the Museum of Ethnology on November 28 (Wednesday).

It was a beautiful sunny day to walk around and the children had a fantastic time looking at the different materials used to build the traditional Vietnamese houses.

It was a great experience looking at the different types of rooms and furniture inside these homes. The children were able to observe these structures and looking at them up close giving them the opportunity to compare it with their own homes. It was such a lovely trip and our classes are very excited for another one soon!

Isabelle Gerona & Catherine Mullin
F3 Teachers