BIS Hanoi launches its students towards the future-bis-hanoi-launches-its-students-towards-the-future-1-1 copy
Nord Anglia
25 September, 2020

BIS Hanoi launches its students towards the future

BIS Hanoi launches its students towards the future-bis-hanoi-launches-its-students-towards-the-future-20191113  075  DSC04580  BIS HANOI  Student Filming  BTS  Martin T
BIS Hanoi launches its students towards the future-ArticlePullQuote-icon quote
We are currently preparing students for jobs that don’t yet exist, using technologies that haven’t been invented, in order to solve problems, we don’t even know are problems yet.
Richard Riley- US Secretary of State
Richard Riley- US Secretary of State
BIS Hanoi launches its students towards the future If there is something that we have all learnt from 2020 so far, it is that there is a need as individuals to be able to respond and adapt to a rapidly changing context. We in fact know, that this isn’t exclusive to periods of global pandemics, but that world-wide we are in a period of time where technological development is moving forward at a rapid pace. Known as the Information Age. Throughout this period of significant change, we rely on skills such as inquiry across a growing number of sources, reflection on our own personal journey and ultimately, care for both ourselves, others in our community and our planet.

If there is something that we have all learnt from 2020 so far, it is that there is a need as individuals to be able to respond and adapt to a rapidly changing context. We in fact know, that this isn’t exclusive to periods of global pandemics, but that world-wide we are in a period of time where technological development is moving forward at a rapid pace. Known as the Information Age. Throughout this period of significant change, we rely on skills such as inquiry across a growing number of sources, reflection on our own personal journey and ultimately, care for both ourselves, others in our community and our planet. 

Care, Reflection and Inquiry are words you may recognise across a number of different areas of our school. They appear as half of our core values in our BIS Hanoi Aide Memoire. They are developed, amongst many other skills, by our IB students as part of the IB Learner Profile and finally they under-pinned by our assessment model at Key Stage 3 - appearing in our ‘Ways of Being’ and ‘Ways of Thinking’. They are the skill-development aspect of our academic flight path throughout the Secondary school.

We have made an extremely positive start to our academic work in the school this year and continue to ensure that our KS3 curriculum provides a strong springboard for both the IGCSE and International Baccalaureate programs of study. At BIS, we are committed to supporting students to become reflective and responsible global citizens, whom possess the correct skills to thrive in a 21st century global context.  

In 2004, Richard Riley- US Secretary of State, at the time, was quoted as saying: 

Despite being over 16 years old, we know that quote is true of our current position today as educators.

As parents and teachers this may look different to the way we were taught. You will notice at home that your children may be responding to written feedback from their teachers via Google Classroom or digital feedback documents, rather than in their exercise books. This mimics the collaborative style used in business to work across a global network, for example. Your children may be using EdPuzzle to watch back live lessons which have been previously recorded, with questions embedded throughout to check their level of understanding. This platform and many others provide direct feedback to the teacher about the student’s knowledge retention and areas they will require further support. Kognity is a platform used by several subjects to replace traditional textbooks. Kognity uses a combination of text, interactive graphs, videos and 3D models to keep student engagement high, whilst also ensuring students are aware of where they need to focus their efforts by showing their strengths and weaknesses.

All of these platforms are combined with traditional teaching methods in the classroom and at home to provide teachers with accurate and regular academic information about your child. Offering them with valuable information about how best to differentiate their teaching based on the individual class’ needs. Our ‘Ways Of’ assessment system at Key Stage 3 also supports your child with knowing which areas of both our academic programs and 21st century skills that they are strong at and where they need further development.

Students in Years 7-9 are now moving into the second year of creating their own Be Ambitious Learning Portfolios, which provides them with a space to reflect on their learning and skill acquisition. The portfolio is equivalent to a visual CV or resume that you may use to apply for a job and serves as an excellent opportunity for students to see the progress that is made within each academic year. Keep a look out for some examples of these when you are next in school. 

Portfolio of Thanh Mai, 10I

Our tailored approach to learning, when present both in the school building or when operating as a Virtual School, alongside our partnership links with MIT, Julliard and UNICEF comes together to form our world-class education offer. Culminating in high academic outcomes at IGCSE and IB and impressive university destinations for our graduating students. 

Stephanie Miller

Assistant Head Academic