Regents International School Pattaya celebrated the Chinese and Korean New Year this morning with a dazzling parade led by the Early Primary children. With drummers adding a rousing beat, and a red dragon stealing the show, Primary children joined in the fun.
Five teams, three countries, over 100 Year 5 and 6 children with a love of sport and a desire to compete – that was the successful recipe for the inaugural Nord Anglia South East Asia Games, held over the weekend at Regents International School Pattaya.
It is with the greatest pleasure that we welcome back Kathryn Andersen to Regents International School Pattaya for the start of the second year of her visits as part of the unique Juilliard-Nord Anglia Performing Arts Programme. Kathryn is a violinist from Pittsfield, Massachusetts. She received her Master of Music degree from The Juilliard School and her Bachelor of Arts degree from Harvard University. She studied with Ronald Copes, Peter Zazofsky, and James Buswell.
Our commitment as a Round Square school continues with a number of wonderful conservation trips offered during the academic year for our students to participate in. One of those trips took place in August when a group of students and staff visited the Juara Turtle Project on Tioman Island.
It was great to see a mixed group of primary and secondary students, parents and teachers work alongside our friends from Mermaids on the International Schools' Reef Clean 2016.
This week, the Secondary Science Department worked closely with the Year 3 teachers to set up some exciting food experiments. The children have been learning all about different food groups and what they do to help us stay healthy.
Regents International School, Pattaya is hosting a stand at the British Chamber of Commerce Expo in Bangkok this week. We welcomed the British Ambassador, Mr Brian Davidson, to our stand.
Nord Anglia Summer Performing Arts with Juilliard kicked off this week with students around the world flocking to Geneva, Switzerland to take part in a two-week long programme immersing students in dance, drama and music.
Regents' IB students are celebrating an outstanding set of results that reflects a learning environment of the highest quality. For the third consecutive year, students scored a 33+ point average with a top end score of 43. Our 2016 graduates are now looking forward to taking up their places at University College London, University of Edinburgh, University of Toronto, KAIST (South Korea), amongst other leading tertiary institutions.
Today I had the biggest surprise ever! I was astonished when I found out that I was a final winner in the short story competition on Global Campus. I was totally overwhelmed with joy when our Assistant Head of Primary, Mrs Hannah Naowasuk, broke the news to me!
A big idea called Global Campus is offering some truly extraordinary opportunities to our students says Iain Blaikie, Principal of Regents International School Pattaya
Here's our final bucket drumming video. What a great way to bring our school and our community partners together, our many donations were gratefully received by Hand to Hand and Take Care Kids. Thanks to everyone who volunteered to be part of the Regents Bucket Drumming Team .... here's hoping we win!!!!