Nord Anglia Education
St Andrews Bangkok
16 March, 2020

Foundation Stage & Key Stage 1: Revising our plans for the immediate future

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Foundation Stage & Key Stage 1: Revising our plans for the immediate future The remaining sessions of Term 2 ECAs will be cancelled...Find out more about our preparations for online learning…An update on Book Week and Songkran activities...We all need help dealing with anxiety at the moment.

The remaining sessions of Term 2 ECAs will be cancelled...Find out more about our preparations for online learning…An update on Book Week and Songkran activities...We all need help dealing with anxiety at the moment.

Cancelling of all Term 2 ECAs

Unfortunately, today, Monday 16th March, will be the final day for all ECAs this term.  By clearing children from the campus by 3pm for tomorrow, and for the rest of the term, teachers will be able to focus on developing varied on-line learning materials. Information about the Term 3 ECAs will be sent to you in due course.

Your support with clearing the campus by 3 pm would be greatly appreciated.

Preparing for possible on-line learning

The teachers and coordinators have been working hard over the last couple of weeks to ensure that in the event of a closure there will be lots of meaningful learning and fun activities prepared for the children.  In the Primary School the idea is that the lessons are offered to you in a flexible way that ensures you can help your child at a time that works for your family. There will be videos made by the teachers, links to other learning resources, opportunities to meet teachers on-line individually and even in small groups.

There will of course also be some feedback from the teachers.

There will be a need for you to have access to the internet but are trying hard to give ideas for practical activities that are not done on-line.

Many of the providers that we use for teaching resources are making more resources available to parents, and we will send you more details of these if we enter into an on-line learning phase.


If you would like your child to wear a facemask in school, can you please make sure that you send one to school with them.  At this time school is finding it increasingly difficult to keep up with a demand for facemasks and the nurse is no longer able to issue them on request.

Book Week (important date change) and Songkran

Mrs Leanne and the teaching teams have been working hard this week to try and plan a new look for our annual Book Week. With the postponement of the author visit and assemblies that form such a big part of the Book Week excitement, we have looked at how we can still celebrate a love of reading in fun and creative ways.

New Date for Book Week - Week Beginning 30th March (the last week of Term 2)

  • Monday 30th March - Children are invited to dress up as their favourite Book Character. Though there will be no big parade this year there will be some prizes for the best home-made costumes. 

  • Following the popularity of our Halloween video, we will make a similar video, giving parents the flavour of the day.

  • There will also be competitions running, such as Book in a Box, The Big Book Week Writing Competition and the Book Week Photo Competition.  


Though we can’t mark Songkran in our traditional way this year, to celebrate the end of the term, we would like all children to come to school on Friday 3rd wearing their Songkran shirts.  Even though parents will not be allowed on campus, we will try to make the day as special as possible for the children with music, dancing and ice-cream!

Dealing with Anxiety

In the uncertain times that we are experiencing, it is normal to feel anxious. Though we try to shield our children from this and keep their routines as normal as possible, it is difficult to ensure that they are not impacted by what is going on around them.  Many of our teachers are Mindfulness trained, and all have access to PHSE (Personal, Health, and Social Education) materials.

There are a number of online resources that parents can access, such as Mindful and Smiling Mind.  The links are included below.