09 September, 2022

PTA Corner

PTA Corner - PTA Corner
Thank you very much to all who attended our Welcome coffee mornings on both campuses this week.

We were happy to see so many new and returning families join our events. A few of the photos from our LIM event are included in the photo gallery. Thank you also for all of your donations for the used books at LIM and for the second-hand uniform purchases at DAB.

As a reminder, all PTA income is used for teacher appreciation gifts for Teachers’ Day, at Christmas time and at the end of the school year, as well as treats and events for our children throughout the school year. We thank you for your continued support!

NEXT WEEK: “New style” Uniform Swap/Market

As many of you have been telling us you are looking to exchange the new style uniforms, we have organised a uniform swap/market. The PTA will serve hot coffee/tea for all those attending, but we will NOT be handling any of the trades. We are simply creating a central place where the parents can trade with each other.

Please join us at:

LIM campus - Curiosity Cove (next to the Pirate ship) on Weds, 14th Sep from 8:00-9:00am

 to exchange your ‘new style’ uniforms with other parents.

PTA SECOND-HAND UNIFORM SHOP for the rest of September
For any ‘old style’ uniforms or PE kits, we are open as follows:

Limanowskiego Campus
Monday & Wednesday mornings from 8-8:30am
Dabrowskiego Campus
Uniform stock can be purchased any time with Pani Ania in the Dab office.

Donations of uniforms are always welcome on either campus in the Main office, please label them clearly (PTA UNIFORM DONATION) and they will be passed to us.

In the meantime, please follow our Facebook pages (links in signature below) and look out for PANI PTA emails for more information.

We look forward to seeing many of you next week!


Warm regards,

Your PTA Committee


Jelena Krzanicki

PTA Chair




TBS EYFS/Primary FB Group

TBS Secondary FB Group

TBS PTA Buy & Sell FB Group