25 November, 2022

PTA Corner

PTA Corner - PTA Corner

We had a fabulous time at the PTA Quiz night last Friday night and congratulations to all of the medal winners! We would like to thank our Quiz master, Dr Jacek Latkowski, for continuing to make the Quiz night a fantastic and fun evening for everyone and we are already looking forward to the Spring edition in March 2023.

PTA Corner - PTA Corner

PTA Corner - PTA Corner

This week, we are supporting our U19 Volleyball teams as they host a Nord Anglia tournament at TBSW! All parents and students are welcome, so please join us in the volleyball fan zone (IB Learning Centre) where we have the matches streamed directly from the gym and the PTA tuck shop with yummy snacks and drinks. The tournament continues tomorrow, Saturday from 8:30am – 3:30pm so please join us!

PTA Corner - PTA Corner

PTA Chocolate Tombola Donations – Friday, 2nd December

As some of you may remember, the PTA runs a chocolate tombola stall at the Christmas Fair (scheduled from Friday, 9th December this year). We kindly ask for donations in chocolate from our TBS families to help us make the stall a success. Please could you send in any chocolate donations to school with your children on Friday, 2nd December. In Primary, they can be handed to the class teacher; in Secondary, students can drop them off at the reception desk. Thank you!

Please join us in donating and supporting the school’s holiday charity project - the Christmas Giving Tree (a reminder was sent out today). You can donate funds online (link in the email) or the children can bring donations to school as Santa and his elves will be visiting us over the next few weeks by the school gates. Thank you all once again!

For any ‘old style’ uniforms or PE kits, we are open as follows:

Limanowskiego Campus
Mondays ONLY from 8-8:30am
Dabrowskiego Campus
Uniform stock can be purchased any time with Pani Ania in the Dab office.

Donations of uniforms are always welcome on either campus in the Main office, please label them clearly (PTA UNIFORM DONATION) and they will be passed to us.

In the meantime, please follow our Facebook pages (links in signature below) and look out for PANI PTA emails for more information.


Warm regards,

Your PTA Committee


Jelena Krzanicki

PTA Chair




TBS EYFS/Primary FB Group

TBS Secondary FB Group

TBS PTA Buy & Sell FB Group