Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
20 May, 2019

IB CAS Myanmar Project 2019

IB CAS Myanmar Project 2019 - ib-cas-myanmar-project-2019
IB CAS Myanmar Project 2019 Updates by Year 12 IB students Anna, Julia, Luca and Daniel

On 31st March 2019, four Year 12 BSB IB CAS students flew to Bagan, Myanmar for six days to teach at a school in a local village. With a generous donation of 10,000 RMB from Chatter Box, we were able to help build a new kindergarten classroom and provide the school with some much needed supplies for the classrooms and the children.

On the first day, we gave the students a presentation on the overuse of plastic and the ways in which it negatively impacts the environment. We also shared some of the ways that they could reduce waste. By the second day, word had spread through the village that we had been to the school, which resulted in us teaching nearly fifty children in total. Through the course of the week, we taught a range of different topics, like the weather and the numbers as well as some basic English grammar and tenses. Our focus was not only to aid them in the development of their English skills but also to inspire them to want to learn.

We taught the students songs which they loved – their favourite being ‘Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes’. We also taught them how to play ‘Duck, Duck, Goose’ which they thought was very funny. We spent one of the mornings reading them fairy tales and playing football and volleyball with them. To our surprise, by the end of the week the children were able to have simple conversations with us and their friends in English.

We feel very lucky to have had such a special experience and we are very thankful to Chatter Box for helping us and the students to receive an unforgettable learning experience.

By: Year 12 IB students Anna, Julia, Luca and Daniel

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