
北京国际学校课程|北京英国学校顺义校区-01 Tertiary Page Header-2b Teacher-Hero-1317x439
在 BSB Shunyi,我们为精诚治学、循循善诱的国际化师资团队深感骄傲。我们着力吸纳最优秀的教学人才,确保以热情饱满的师资力量和领先世界的教学理念为您的孩子提供优质的教育。



我们坚信,快乐的环境可以带来最理想的学习效果。我们的教师致力于构建良好的师生关系,每天为学生提供无微不至的关怀和帮助,引导他们通过更富有创意的方式克服挑战,全面打造美妙的学习体验。正因如此,BSB Shunyi 96% 的学生家长表示,他们的孩子在学校很快乐。
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  • 高层管理团队
  • 小学
  • 中学
  • 部门主管


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Jayne Needham
Jayne Needham 拥有超过 30 年的教育从业经验,其中有 15 年在英国、迪拜、巴林和中国的 IB 国际学校担任领导职务。她拥有英国埃克塞特大学教育学学士和硕士学位,并获得了英国国家校长专业培训计划 (NPQH) 认证。

Jayne Needham

她是一位践行终生学习原则的教育者,从最初担任数学教师开始,她先后被赋予了多项角色,并在相应的工作中积累了丰富的经验,包括数学主任、IBDP 协调员、初中部校长、副校长和校长。结束在三所 IB 国际学校的领导工作之后——包括迪拜的一所大型国际学校,她决定前往一个新的国度,寻找新的精彩和挑战。 

2021 年 8 月,Jayne 在 BSB Shunyi 出任校长。能在诺德安达旗下学校担任校长无疑是一种荣耀;她对集团“志存高远”的发展理念深为赞同,并以此不断激励自己。她致力于激励学生树立远大的志向,在学业和个人性格方面都能成就最出色的自我,为学校、社区乃至全世界做出积极的贡献。她也热衷于打磨教学品质、优化学习体验。这些都给了她莫大的前进动力。

Jayne 的两个孩子已经长大成人,分别在希腊和迪拜开启了各自的职业生涯。她和她的丈夫热爱旅行,渴望收获新的体验、吸收新的文化,他们期待能够领略北京乃至整个世界的无限精彩。  

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Abigail Alexis-Olubuyide

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Bevan Graham
Bevan Graham 于 2021 年 8 月从另一所诺德安达学校——上海英国外籍人员子女学校浦东校区 (NAIS Pudong) 来到 BSB Shunyi 出任中学部校长。他拥有伦敦国王学院文学硕士学位(也是来自诺德安达学校最早的一批毕业生之一)、音乐学士学位和教学方向高等教育研究生文凭。

他在 2007 年来到中国,为 NAIS Pudong 成功开设 IB 文凭课程发挥了关键性的作用,使 NAIS Pudong 成为了中国第一所提供 IB 课程的诺德安达学校。在他的领导之下,NAIS Pudong 卓越的治学成果始终在整个集团内部稳居前列。

从 2015 年开始,Bevan 开始直接参与国际文凭组织的工作,负责在世界各地组织召开研讨会,并为筹备开设 IB 课程的学校提供最佳实践指导。此外,他在音乐上也颇有造诣。
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Emma Brown
Emma Brown 拥有华威商学院学士学位和研究生教育证书 (PGCE)。在英国剑桥市任教三年后,她于 2015 年来到中国。在初次加入 BSB Shunyi 的五年时间里,她曾先后担任 6 年级教师和 6 年级主任,之后升任小学部副校长,进入小学部领导团队。
2020 年,Emma 前往台湾的一所国际学校担任年级主任。

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Deborah Spencer
Deborah Spencer 毕业于利兹都会大学法律专业,随后离开英国前往海外。她初次任教是在非洲马拉维,这次经历让她萌生了继续深造的念头,随后她重返利兹都会大学取得了研究生教育证书 (PGCE)。她先后在英国任教 3 年、在埃及任教 2 年、在沙特吉达任教 8 年。在这段时间里,她开始出任年级主任职务,锻炼了扎实的领导能力。她随后完成了提赛德大学 (Teeside University) 数学基础知识专业的研究生课程,并在诺德安达旗下的越南胡志明市英国国际学校任职 6 年,先后担任 5 年级和 6 年级主任。

Deborah 于 2020 年加入 BSB Shunyi,担任小学部校长,同时利用诺德安达大学平台提供的丰富资源继续深造。

在旅居海外的 16 年时间里,异国他乡的风土人情和别样的文化气息都让 Deborah 乐在其中。她的大儿子就读于英国国内的学校,小儿子就读于 BSB 中学部。
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Gregory Peebles
中学部副校长, IB 协调员

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Jessica Downes

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Juliana Downes
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Randall Crismond

Randall Crismond 来自美国费城,1999 年从宾夕法尼亚州立大学毕业后,一直在日本和中国各地任教,获得历史学士学位,辅修音乐和中东研究。加入BSB之前在清华大学海外学术与文化交流中心工作,在人大附中任大附中国际课程中心担任英语负责人、IB协调员、学术负责人.在此期间,他从桑德兰大学获得了 PGCE,目前正在同一机构攻读硕士学位。还持有成人英语语言教学证书 (CELTA)。

Randall于 2020 年加入 BSB,担任英语教师、IB CAS 协调员和知识理论协调员。 2021 年,还担任了高等教育顾问的角色。作为一名教育工作者,BSB 对整个孩子的关注非常吸引他——严谨的学术以及培养一个人在未来取得成功所需的所有社交和个人技能。 BSB 的 IGCSE 和 IB 课程也非常适合他的教学经验。他特别喜欢领导 IB 知识理论课程! 在校外,他是一名新爸爸、一名业余摄影师、一名狂热的读者和一名北京探险家,过去 15 年来他一直在北京生活。期待更好地了解顺义,也期待自己的女儿在2021年开始在BSB!
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Sophie He
初入教育领域的 Sophie He 成为了一名高中英语教师,并积累了数年任教经验。2006 年,她前往英国格林威治大学攻读语言学习硕士学位,并对西方文化建立了更深的了解。在伦敦求学期间,她同时在伦敦商务孔子学院(隶属于伦敦政治经济学院)担任语言教师和项目经理。在 2018 年加入 BSB 之前,Sophie 在北京的一所顶级双语学校工作了 2 年时间。

作为两个女儿的母亲,Sophie 乐于和来自世界各地的家庭分享儿童教育的经验和诀窍,帮助他们做出明智的决定。


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Mihaela Chesaru
Head of Early Years & Nursery Teacher
Mihaela Chesaru

I have a double degree in Chinese Language & Literature and English Language & Literature from the University of Bucharest and a post-graduate Education degree from the University of Sunderland. I am currently pursuing a Master’s degree in International Education. I also have a Certificate in English Language Teaching – Primary (CELT-P).

I have a lot of experience with Early Years, having worked in this position at two other Nord Anglia schools in China since 2008. Previous to this I was the principal of an international kindergarten in Shanghai.

I am very excited to be here at BSB Shunyi, having long known about the school’s excellent learning and teaching standards. I enjoy working together with the students and other teachers in the school. I believe that learning never ends and books, people and nature are a continuous source of wonder. I was born in Romania and had my first international experience during my university years when I travelled to China to study for two years. After graduating I decided to live abroad.

I have two young children who are very excited to be in Beijing and explore this wonderful city full of history. I hope they can continue to travel and learn about new cultures and places. I try to instil in my students and my own children a curiosity and passion for learning and respect for all living things. Questions are more important than answers and we should never stop asking questions.
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Kieran Sear
Head of Year 1
Kieran Sear

I first became passionate about teaching when I was working through my coaching qualifications in football and hockey while studying in University. I have spent over a decade working in education, the majority of which has been spent with second language learners in China. I have always felt that it is the most wonderful feeling to be able to assist someone in acquiring new knowledge and skills and watch them develop and grow as a person and individual.

With my interest in education and passion for learning, I made the decision to study for a Post Graduate Certificate in Education and continued my studies to obtain a Master's degree in Education Management and Leadership, both from the University of Buckingham. I have also completed the Bridge TEFL. I feel honored to have the opportunity to join BSB in 2021 as working in such an inclusive and supportive environment will allow me to continue to develop myself as an educator and leader.

I have been married for the past 7 years and have 2 daughters who are also attending BSB. I aspire to be the best I can be and support the learning for all my students and hope that I can inspire them to become the best versions of themselves. In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my family as well as playing football and long distance running.
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Lincoln Jansen
Head of Year 2
Ha Grant
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Chris Taylor
Head of Year 3
Chris Taylor
BSc (Hons), QTS, CELTA

I studied at the University of Manchester in the UK and was awarded an Bachelor's degree with honours in Management. I am licensed to teach in both the UK and USA and have been teaching in China from 2011. I also have a Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults (CELTA) from the University of Cambridge. When I arrived in Beijing, I taught English as a language initially and worked with a wide range of ages from three up to twelve years old. I then moved to teaching all subjects in a Primary classroom and was promoted to supervisor and then manager in charge of curriculum program development. In my last school I was year level leader for both Year 2 and Year 3. 

As a teacher, I believe in setting clear expectations and routines. Learning should develop skills as well as knowledge, promote problem solving and encourage students’ natural curiosity. One of the key reasons I was drawn to BSB Shunyi is the high standards of learning and teaching. I know that this is a school where I will be able to improve my teaching practice, develop my leadership skills and help students achieve their goals.

I have lived in China for the last ten years and speak the language fairly well. My wife and I were married here in 2019. In my spare time I like to read more about education, health and history. Apart from that, I tend to read a lot of novels at weekends and during holidays. I like to play football and go to the gym regularly.
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Amanda Thorp
Head of Year 4
Francesca wei
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Annemarie Wettach
Head of Year 5
Annemarie Wettach
MA, MEd.

I have completed my Masters Degree at the University of Potsdam, Germany and finished my teacher training in Munich, Germany. I have been working as a teacher for almost 10 years.

After having lived in Italy and the UK for almost 6 years, I moved to Beijing in 2019 with my husband and two children following my husband's third work placement worldwide due to his company. As I was looking for a good school for my children, I decided to apply to work at BSB as well and have taught here since 2019. 

 Besides playing tennis I love adventures and being out and about.
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Razvaan Akhtar
Head of Year 6
Francesca wei
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Juliane Schimann
Head of German Primary, German Klasse Teacher
Juliane Schimann
Master in Educational Sciences, Diploma in Pedagogy

After graduating with a Diploma in Educational Sciences in 2008 at Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg,  I worked in the field of family therapy, youth counselling and social assisted living in Germany. I have a Diploma in Pedagogy (Diplom Pädagogin) and while working, I completed an apprenticeship and got certified in systematic/family therapy.

My experiences of living and working abroad started after graduating from high school when I was working as an au-pair for three children of the ages of 1, 4 and 6 in Vermont, USA. That great experience strengthened my wish to work with children and families as well as my desire to work abroad and experiencing different cultures and mentalities. During my studies at university I spent half a year in Washington, USA as an intern organizing a social camp for children infected by HIV and their families and training their counsellors, applying and developing on my knowledge gained of social sciences at Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg in Germany.

Together with my husband, we moved to China in 2015 and I was working at another international school for 4.5 years, teaching children aged 16 months in Nursery to almost 6 years in Pre-K and Pre-school.

I joined BSB Shunyi in 2020 as a German Teacher and am excited to take on the role of Head of German Primary in 2022. I am looking forward to form positive relationships with the children and their parents and the other teachers and BSB team and look forward to inspiring the children to learn, explore and develop.

 Personally I love to travel and explore new cultures, foods and different ways of living. I enjoy running, biking, hiking, reading and being with friends.


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Voicu Mihnea Simandan
Head of Year 7, Psychology Teacher
Voicu Mihnea Simandan


I have been a teacher all my adult life and have also taught in Thailand, Qatar before moving to China in 2018. In parallel with my teaching duties, I help students thrive, develop resilience, and offer mental health support.

I holds degrees and certifications across 3 disciplines. I received my BA in Philology and History from my home country in Romania. I hold a MA in English Language and Literature from Assumption University (Thailand) and a Post Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) in Literacy and Learning from the University of Southern Queensland (Australia). I specialized in Positive Psychology at the Positive Psychology Center from University of Pennsylvania (USA) and is a Certified Positive Psychology & Mindfulness Practitioner and Coach. I am currently studying to become a mental health expert and is pursuing a MSc in the Psychology and Neuroscience of Mental Health at the Institute of Psychology, Psychiatry, and Neuroscience from King’s College London (Class of 2023).

I have been a teacher all my adult life. I started teaching straight out of Teacher’s College and I have been teaching internationally since 2002. Before moving to China in 2018, I taught in Thailand and Qatar. My teaching career followed my qualifications path. I taught English and American Literature for many years but then I switched to my second major and started teaching History. I especially enjoyed teaching Asian History. As I also had a background in educational psychology, in 2015 I decided to refocus my teaching interest on psychology and I have taught the AP and IB curricula in the international schools system ever since.

When the pandemic started I had just finished my certification in Positive Psychology and I immediately started implementing the scientific-based theory and concepts of positivity in my daily teaching. I soon realized that the mental wellbeing of students is often forgotten in favour of higher GPA, college application, and societal pressures. So, in parallel with my teaching duties, I initiated a Positivity Center in order to help students thrive, develop resilience, and offer mental health support. While discussing these projects with the leaders of BSB Shunyi, I realized that our vision with regards to teaching philosophy and the importance of the students’ mental wellbeing aligned perfectly.

As a former competitive archer who has participated in many international archery competitions (including the Archery World Cup in Shanghai, the Indoor Archery World Cup in Singapore, and the Asian Archery Grand Prix in Bangkok), I am highly interested how mindset influences peak performance in sports. I hope to open an archery club at BSB Shunyi and impart with the students the awesome sport and art of archery. One of my other interests is survival psychology and calisthenics. During my free time, I’m engaged in an auto-ethnographic project by studying Chinese calligraphy, ink wash painting, and playing the guqin. 

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Henry Mendez
Head of Year 8, French/Spanish Teacher
Henry Mendez


I have worked at international schools in Venezuela and Singapore, where I had the opportunity to teach students from different parts of the world and different cultural backgrounds. 

In 2009, I graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Education of Foreign Languages from the University of Zulia in Venezuela. Since then, I have worked at international schools in Venezuela and Singapore, where I had the opportunity to work with students from different parts of the world and different cultural backgrounds. This has allowed me to grow as a teacher and a human being and has helped me gain new skills that I am very excited to share at BSB.

I am currently working on a Master’s degree in Special Education. I decided to get this degree because I believe all students have the ability to succeed academically if they have the right tools, so for me, it was extremely important to learn more about the different ways I can support every single student in my classroom, no matter their background or learning needs.

I am very happy to be joining BSB to contribute to this community. Personally, it is very exciting to work with this wonderful group of students and teachers and I hope to continue growing as a teacher during my time at BSB and help my students grow and learn more about languages and their cultural significance. 

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Daniel Hayward
Head of Year 9, English Teacher

Daniel Hayward


Daniel has experience of working in both the British and American education systems teaching literature and as an English teacher. His specialism is in the area of teaching writing, with a particular focus on academic writing.

Daniel has a BA in Philosophy from Lancaster University, MA in Global Learning and Development Education from University College London, PGCE from the University of Sunderland and TESOL Certificate from Windsor College Barcelona.

Daniel has over fifteen years of experience tutoring students specifically for IELTS, TOEFL, A Level and GCSE Examinations, as well as college entrance examinations and interviews, and has a deep level of experience of in many aspects of examination preparation. Over the years, a large number of his students have gone on to study at Oxbridge and other elite UK universities, as well as top 30 US universities.

He has experience of working in both British and American education systems, having worked in an American High School in Shanghai teaching literature, and working in the leading bilingual school in Qingdao (secondary) as an English teacher. His specialism as a teacher is in the area of teaching writing, with a particular focus on academic writing.

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Dan Needham
KS4 Leader, Head of Y10 & 11, Design Technology Teacher
Daniel Needham
Dan joined BSB Shunyi in August 2022 as our Design Technology Teacher and Head of Key Stage 4 (Years 10 and 11).
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Miles Doherty
Head of English

Miles Doherty

BA, BEd, MEd

I have taught English in all its forms through the whole K-12 spectrum both in Australia and China and spent the last ten years in teaching and coordinating roles here in Beijing.

Educated in Australia, I have a Masters in Educational (Curriculum) Studies, A BEd in Secondary Education, and a BA in Cultural Communications and Journalism - all from the University of Queensland. I have taught English in all its forms through the whole K-12 spectrum both in Australia and China and spent the last ten years in teaching and coordinating roles here in Beijing. BSB's combination of the National curriculum, IGCSE, and the IBDP align well with my teaching and leadership experience.

Since moving to China, I have become a proud father of two young children. I enjoy all sports, good foods, technology, travel, books, and time with family and our beloved dog. My perfect weekend involves a good balance between my professional and family roles.

I was delighted to have joined the BSB learning community in 2019 and thoroughly enjoy being a vital part of such an experienced and excellent team of English teachers.

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Esther Kim
KS5 Leader, Head of Year 12 & 13, Korean Teacher
Esther Kim


Academically, I hold a Doctorate degree in Comparative Literature from Peking University and a Master’s degree in Comparative Literature from Seoul National University, and a Bachelor’s degree in Russian literature from Korea University. I am interested in several academic fields: Comparative literature, Cultural Studies, Film Studies, and Women’s Studies.

After obtaining a doctorate in 2013, I completed a Teacher training program for the Korean language at Seoul National University, and I taught Literature, Film studies, and Women’s studies at Yonsei University and Hanyang University in Korea. In 2016 I moved back to Beijing with my family, and I worked at Beijing BISS International School as an IB MYP and IBDP teacher of Korean Language and Literature. At BISS, I also took on the roles of IBDP Coordinator and TOK teacher and Coordinator. As a member of the IB Educators Network, I work with the IB as a School Visit Team Member and Workshop Leader. Besides that, I have also successfully prepared and completed the IB evaluation visit for the IBDP programme at BISS in 2019.

To keep developing myself as a life-long learner, I have recently completed the Certificate Programme in Advanced Education Leadership at Harvard Graduate School of Education, aiming to better support my IBDP colleagues and students as a programme leader. As a teacher, I have a strong passion for educating young people and encouraging and empowering students to develop into inquiring, knowledgeable and caring life-long learners who can impact the world in positive ways. I want to keep learning and growing with my students and colleagues at BSB Shunyi.

My biggest passions are playing music, dancing, and reading various books. Another big passion of mine is language. I speak five languages: Korean, English, Chinese, Russian, and Mongolian. If time allows, I want to learn Spanish in the future.

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Stephen Luke
Higher Education Advisor, English Teacher

Steven Luke


I am from the UK and completed my Bachelor’s degree in Modern Languages in Newcastle University, and later earned my PGCE in Modern Languages teaching qualifications in Cheltenham and Nottingham. I worked in international schools in Russia and the UK before moving to China.

I came to China in 2014 and have taught IGCSE English, IBDP English B and English A Language and Literature. I came to BSB in 2020 because I was impressed by its culture of “Be Ambitious”. I enjoy challenging students with high-level, idiomatic and colloquial language.

I am here in China with my wife Charlotte - from Harbin – and my little daughter Annie. In my free time I am guitar mad. I play in a rock band, and I love building and customising guitars. My other passion is language. I speak Russian and French, and I hope to one day become a fluent Chinese speaker!

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Valentina Trpkoska
Learning Support


Valentina Trpkoska

BA in Psychology, Specialist in Educational Psychology, Counselor in Systemic Family Therapy from EFTA (European Family Therapy Association)

I have 20+ years of experience in education both as a teacher and as a school counselor and I have spent my entire career teaching at international schools. My former students’ currently study or finished their studies at the most prestigious universities in the world with many of them choosing psychology as their main discipline.

Being a life-long learner, I regularly undertake courses related to educational psychology, teaching and counseling and I am also an IB Psychology examiner. I'm currently pursuing a MA in Philosophy at the Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities, Skopje.

On a personal note, I arrived in Beijing in 2018 and my family joined me a year later. Prior to joining BSB Shunyi in August 2022, I worked at Nord Anglia School Beijing Fangshan. Currently, both my children are BSB students. The appreciation they have for their teachers and the enthusiasm they show for learning make me both happy and excited to be a part of such an amazing school.   


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Anna Dunhill
Head of Primary EAL
Anna Dunhill


I joined BSB in 2016 first as a Primary Class Teacher then EAL teacher and Head of Primary EAL. I have previously taught in a primary school in Essex, England and an international school in Northeast China. 

I graduated from Dartington College of Arts with a degree in Music and Arts Management. As a graduate I came to China with VSO and taught English to university students. After returning to England I taught ESOL at the local adult community college. During this time I gained an adult teaching qualification. Due to my teaching experience, I was accepted onto the Essex Graduate Teacher Training Programme and was awarded my QTS. I gained my Primary Teaching experience working in a large primary school in Essex.

Following this, my family and I made the professional decision to move into the international school’s arena. For two years I taught a year 6 class in an international school in North East China. This experience provided us with a positive insight into the cultural and intellectual traditions of China and in 2016, I joined BSB Shunyi in the vibrant and exciting Chinese capital.

I am from Leigh-On-Sea in Essex which is a lively sea-side town. I have travelled in Europe and in Asia and I have plans to travel and experience as much of China as I can. At university I studied music and I am a keen flutist. I enjoy reading and going to concerts. I have two boys and they are starting to get the hang of speaking Chinese. As a family we enjoy hiking, cycling and going to museums.

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Cyneric Amegadzie
Head of Mathematics
Michael Mireku
BA (Hons), MSc, PGCE

I studied at the University of Ghana where I completed my BA (Hons) degree in Geography and Resource Development with Political Science. I then moved to the UK in 2001 where I did my MSc in Internet Technologies at the University of Bedfordshire, then followed by my PGCE major in Geography at the University of Hertfordshire. I have been teaching at secondary level since 2004 from KS3 through to KS5. Apart from Geography, I have also taught History, Politics, ICT and Global Perspectives at various levels.

In 2011 I took the middle leader's course at the National College for Teaching and Leadership to prepare me for middle leadership. I held the post of head of department for 5 years until I decided to move overseas to China to start my international teaching career in 2018. Once I moved to China, I took up the role of coordinator for my school's Somerset overseas educational programme that immersed students into cultural and bilingual experiences in the UK to broaden their understanding on the world around them.

I took the decision to move to China because I wanted to explore and expose my children to a world of cultures and opportunities and to nurture and develop them into truly global citizens. I joined BSB in 2019, my second international post in China. What attracts me the most to BSB, is the multicultural student and staff composition, a perfect recipe for true global learning.

In my spare time, I like to catch up with the latest news updates where I get ideas to bring the world into the classroom. I'm passionate about technology but also like to travel and go out with my family to explore local cuisine. I am married with two children who are both in BSB. 
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Daren Burns
Head of Expressive Arts


Daren Burns

Daren has been teaching for over twenty years including secondary school and at college level. He has worked as a professional musician and has toured all over the United States and the world, playing with many notable musicians.

Daren came to Beijing in 2017 to start a music programme at a brand-new school. He is to be seen regularly performing in Beijing with the city’s leading jazz artists.

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David Needham
Head of Science, DT Teacher

David Needham

Master's degree, PGCE

Throughout my teaching career since 2006 I have been a teacher of Design & Technology and Head of Department. I have taught in both state comprehensive and state grammar schools in the UK and independent schools in Dubai UAE. I have experience in teaching Resistant Materials, Systems & Control, Electronics and Food Technology within the subject from Year 7 to Year 13.

Having spent all of my non-teaching career in engineering, I am passionate about the positive contribution Science and Engineering makes to our modern society and constantly endeavour to instill the same sense of purpose in the students I teach. Having that sense of purpose while making the process of design and making fun is key to engaging young people in what is a very worthwhile subject.

I originally trained as a Mechanical Engineering moving into Electrical and Electronic Engineering in the Energy Sector which has allowed me to work both in the UK and overseas. I studied for a PGCE in Design & Technology at Greenwich University in London and also hold a Master's Degree in Business from Sheffield Hallam University in the UK.

As a teacher much of my spare time has been taken with school related activities such as running a Kart Club and after school sessions for students and parents. I also enjoy walking and the occasional round of golf.

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James Cusack
Head of English

Miles Doherty

BA, BEd, MEd

I have taught English in all its forms through the whole K-12 spectrum both in Australia and China and spent the last ten years in teaching and coordinating roles here in Beijing.

Educated in Australia, I have a Masters in Educational (Curriculum) Studies, A BEd in Secondary Education, and a BA in Cultural Communications and Journalism - all from the University of Queensland. I have taught English in all its forms through the whole K-12 spectrum both in Australia and China and spent the last ten years in teaching and coordinating roles here in Beijing. BSB's combination of the National curriculum, IGCSE, and the IBDP align well with my teaching and leadership experience.

Since moving to China, I have become a proud father of two young children. I enjoy all sports, good foods, technology, travel, books, and time with family and our beloved dog. My perfect weekend involves a good balance between my professional and family roles.

I was delighted to have joined the BSB learning community in 2019 and thoroughly enjoy being a vital part of such an experienced and excellent team of English teachers.

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Lara Soriano
Head of Modern Foreign Languages, Spanish Teacher
Lara Soriano
BA, Masters, PGCE

I completed a Bachelor's Degree in Spanish Linguistics and Literature in the Autonomous University of Barcelona.  I received my CAP in Teaching Languages and Literature specialising in Spanish at the same University (equivalent to PGCE).  In 2011 I finished a Masters in Spanish Language Teaching with the University of Barcelona.

I taught Language and Literature in Spain before moving overseas to work as a Spanish teacher at University Language Centre and Orono High School in Minnesota in the USA.  In 2004, I earned a lecturer post at Jilin University in China, and eight years ago I started my career as a Modern Foreign Languages teacher at International Schools.

I am a trained IB Diploma Programme teacher and I have been teaching IB Spanish Ab Initio and Language B as well as IGCSE Spanish for several years in Beijing. I was very happy to have the opportunity to join BSB in 2018.

Since I am from a city next to the Mediterranean Sea, and even though I enjoy living in Beijing with my husband and my son; we won't miss the opportunity to spend a summer near the ocean. I like running around Ritan Park, one of my favourite places in Beijing and reading. My new goals are completing the Great Wall Half-Marathon and improving my French language skills. I am now reading some Patrick Modiano’s books and rediscovering Leo Carax, Éric Rohmer and Kiéslowski’s old movies. 
Sau-wan Gin
Sau-wan Gin
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Michael Mireku
Head of Humanities, Geography Teacher
Michael Mireku
BA (Hons), MSc, PGCE

I studied at the University of Ghana where I completed my BA (Hons) degree in Geography and Resource Development with Political Science. I then moved to the UK in 2001 where I did my MSc in Internet Technologies at the University of Bedfordshire, then followed by my PGCE major in Geography at the University of Hertfordshire. I have been teaching at secondary level since 2004 from KS3 through to KS5. Apart from Geography, I have also taught History, Politics, ICT and Global Perspectives at various levels.

In 2011 I took the middle leader's course at the National College for Teaching and Leadership to prepare me for middle leadership. I held the post of head of department for 5 years until I decided to move overseas to China to start my international teaching career in 2018. Once I moved to China, I took up the role of coordinator for my school's Somerset overseas educational programme that immersed students into cultural and bilingual experiences in the UK to broaden their understanding on the world around them.

I took the decision to move to China because I wanted to explore and expose my children to a world of cultures and opportunities and to nurture and develop them into truly global citizens. I joined BSB in 2019, my second international post in China. What attracts me the most to BSB, is the multicultural student and staff composition, a perfect recipe for true global learning.

In my spare time, I like to catch up with the latest news updates where I get ideas to bring the world into the classroom. I'm passionate about technology but also like to travel and go out with my family to explore local cuisine. I am married with two children who are both in BSB. 
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Richard Thorp
Secondary PE Curriculum Leader, Head of Aquatics, PE Teacher
Richard Thorp
BA (Hons), PGCE

I attended Carnegie (Leeds Metropolitan University) and was awarded a BA (Hons) degree in Human Movement Studies (Sports Science). This was followed with a PGCE in PE and Maths at Exeter University (St Lukes) and I qualified as  a teacher in 1992. I have worked in the independent sector in the UK for 23 years, my last post as Head of PE at Dragon School, Oxford. In 2015 my family and I decided to move to Bangkok and for the last two years was Head Swim Coach at Bangkok Patana School.

I am a qualified Swim Coach and also hold coaching qualifications in many other sports. My specialist area is Aquatics having represented GB U17 and England U19, and swam the Olympic Trials in ‘88 as an athlete. During my career I have coached the English Schools National Swim Team at three World Schools and numerous European Schools events, as well as working with a number of National and International standard Youth Age athletes in both the UK and Thailand. I am looking forward to working with the students here at BSB to further develop the Aquatics programme and team at the school, and work in the PE department.

I joined BSB in August 2017 and my wife and two children have since enjoyed living here in Beijing and being part of the BSB community. As a family we have enjoyed travelling to many countries in SE Asia and hope to enjoy a few more in Asia in the future.

I enjoy all aspects of sport including cycling, swimming, watching live sport and trying to attend major sporting tournaments when time allows. Going to the London Olympics and Glasgow Commonwealth Games to watch the events was inspiring. I have taken part in a few triathlons and would like to try to do a few more if possible. I enjoy watching movies, eating out at restaurants and going to concerts as well.
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对于我来说, 作为数学老师就是不断的进化和学习, 让孩子全身心的沉浸在每堂数学课中。
Rob Goodes
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在 BSB Shunyi,我们拥有先进的技术设施,配合数据和分析工具的辅助,能够实现虚拟学习体验与实体教室的无缝对接,充分激发学生的潜能。全校将通过诺德安达集团全球校园国际平台集体参与各类倡议项目,积极开展相应的学习活动。我们的学生将与来自世界各地的超过 70,000 名同学共同参加有趣的活动,并在这些宝贵的经历中开拓视野,建立广阔的国际化视野,成长为心系天下的世界公民。


卓越的教师成就卓越的学校,因此 BSB Shunyi 志在招揽全球顶尖教育精英。除了例行招聘活动,我们还会借助 MIT 和茱莉亚学院等世界领先的教育机构提供的顶级培训项目和资源为我们的教师提供广阔的专业发展空间。

• 我们志在建立平等、包容、多元化的教职员工团队;我们与联合国儿童基金会积极开展合作,引领我们的老师和同学们对多项全球性议题建言献策。

• 诺德安达教育集团教职人员可以通过我们与伦敦国王学院开展的独家课程项目攻读硕士学位。

• 我们的教师可以通过我们的诺德安达大学培训平台提升知识技能,并与来自世界各地的 10,000 名教师展开协作,分享各类资源和参加高质量的培训。

• 我们的教师全部持有英国教师资格证或同等资格证书,并且其中相当一部分拥有硕士学位,他们能力出众、资历等身,能够为我们的学生提供高水准的个性化教学,引领他们成长为学业有成的优秀人才。
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我们的教师团队践行全球最为严格的教学标准,除了定期审核和评估,还有来自牛津大学的教育团队到校视察,确保 BSB Shunyi 始终保持最高的教学水准。在如此严格的监督制度下,BSB Shunyi 得以始终保持卓越的教学质量。我们致力于实现杰出的学术成就,追求卓越的教学水准,接受先进的认证审核,执行完善的安保措施,为我们的学生全面打造不同凡响的国际化教育体验。



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