Catherine Mullin
07 December, 2018

The Importance of High Quality Foundation Education

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Children’s experiences in their early years strongly influence their outcomes in later life.
Dame Tickell
The Importance of High Quality Foundation Education The Early Years Foundation stage curriculum provides children with the skills and knowledge they need to become happy and independent learners.

The Early Years Foundation stage curriculum provides children with the skills and knowledge they need to become happy and independent learners.

Children learn and develop in different ways. At BIS, we recognise that every child is unique and on an individual journey of learning and development. Through positive relationships and enabling environments, children’s interests are fostered to enable them to become effective and motivated learners.

The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) encompasses a number of different areas. The Characteristics of Effective Learning define the day-to-day practice within the EYFS. Children learn best when they can play and explore; are motivated, and can think and act critically. These are essential to child development and our learning environments engage and inspire children to follow their own interests. Through a play-based curriculum, children are given opportunities to develop the fundamental areas of learning:

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Communication and Language
  • Physical Development

Children are then taught essential skills and knowledge in:

  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the World
  • Expressive Arts and Design

Here at BIS, we strongly promote children’s independence, preparing them for their school life. Through play, both inside and outside the classroom, children experience situations that encourage them to try new activities and face challenges. We nurture their ideas and abilities and empower them to find their own ways to represent and develop their learning.

As learning outdoors is equally as important to learning indoors, children are given valuable experiences through our splash pool, sand pits and mud kitchens. Once again, children engage with provision that is planned for and resourced to maximise their learning.

EYFS is the start of a journey that we look forward to sharing and celebrating with you.

Catherine Mullin

F3 Teacher