Remembrance Day Assembly - remembrance-day-assembly
Nord Anglia
14 November, 2019

Remembrance Day Assembly

Remembrance Day Assembly On Thursday, November 08, BIS Hanoi held an assembly to commemorate Remembrance Day. 20191107  004  DSC_3710  Assembly  Rememberance Day

On Thursday, November 08, BIS Hanoi held an assembly to commemorate Remembrance Day.

We were pleased to invite Assistance Defence Attaché Staff Sergeant Adrian Jones and Defence Attaché Group Captain Bea Walcott. During the assembly, the students and teachers learned the further meaning of Remembrance Day and why we had them. 

As a school, we celebrated the Remembrance Day to support not just those who sacrificed their lives for their country, but those who suffered as a result of any war or conflict around the world; for the injured, the wounded, the fearful and for those who seek to bring relief and protection.

Throughout the week, our school honoured Remembrance Day in various ways: Firstly, the English and the History Department worked together to study war poetry. Whilst examining the original poems written in the past, a competition was held for Key Stage 3 (KS3) students to write their own poems. The winners was chosen from each year group in KS3 and they were Jun Beom Year 7, Hissah Al Suwelim Year 8 and myself, Min Young Year 9. We then had the honour to read our poems in the assembly. As well as this, during form time, students were asked to make poppies for them to wear during the assembly. Finally, Sixth Form students sold poppies in the reception to both raise awareness and to raise money for donations for the Armed Forces community.

Min Young

Student - 9H