Our school magazine is curated, written, and produced by students, and features an engaging mix of articles, news, and views.

For the community, BIS students have created a sports and well-being podcast. Find out about the latest sports news, wellness trends and recommendations, hot issue conversations, and more.


NOVUS: The BIS Hanoi Student Magazine

We're proud to bring you the latest edition of our very own student magazine, Novus.

Each issue features articles and views on a unifying theme. Our latest edition explores the idea of 'Harmony'. All the articles are written and edited by our writers, ably supported by a team of graphic designers.

Happy reading! 


Lively with Lionhearts: The BIS Hanoi student podcast

If you haven't yet listened to our school podcast, please click on the link below and catch up on all of the exciting things that are going on at BIS Hanoi!