When Juilliard Alumni, Nicole Jeong, Came To Play | BIS HCMC - when-juilliard-alumni-nicole-jeong-came-to-play
27 April, 2017

When Juilliard Alumni, Nicole Jeong, Came To Play

When Juilliard Alumni, Nicole Jeong, Came To Play | BIS HCMC - when-juilliard-alumni-nicole-jeong-came-to-play
When Juilliard Alumni, Nicole Jeong, Came To Play

On Friday 21 April, we were fortunate enough to be visited by the Juilliard Alumni Violinist Nicole Jeong. We had a fantastic day of music making and her playing was outstanding.  

When Juilliard Alumni, Nicole Jeong, Came To Play On Friday 21 April, we were fortunate enough to be visited by the Juilliard Alumni Violinist Nicole Jeong. We had a fantastic day of music making and her playing was outstanding.  

On Friday 21 April, we were fortunate enough to be visited by the Juilliard Alumni Violinist Nicole Jeong. We had a fantastic day of music making and her playing was outstanding.  

Nicole worked with some of our violin students and was really able to get the most out of them in terms of their playing. In the evening we were treated to a stunning mix of music beautifully played and presented. The performance with our Chamber Orchestra strings of the Vivaldi Am Concerto was one of the best performances I have heard from the students – they were well rehearsed by her and totally inspired.

We had the following quotes from some of the students:


"It was a fantastic and fun experience for the Chamber Orchestra to play with a professional violinist- Ms.Nicole. She is a very inspiring and amazing violinist. The concert with her was definitely one of my highlights in year 11." - Celestine

"When you asked me if I wanted to play at the master class, I was very excited because I had never done one before. My teacher has always asked me to use more vibrato but the way Ms Jeong explained with the example of singing, I thought I should try to use it even for the short notes." - Anya

"The Julliard teachers make me feel much more confident in stages to express my feelings. After learning the masterclass, I feel that I can sing the music in my imagination and play the notes as best I can."Kien

"Playing with Ms Jeong was a very different feeling from playing with my other teachers because when she listens to you, she can analyze how you play really quickly. I really enjoyed it and i would like to learn with her again." - Man Nghi

Ian Alexander, Director of Music