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This year BVIS HCMC welcomed 10 international schools from across South East Asia to compete in the annual Primary Nord Anglia Games 2019.
20 students (10 boys, 10 girls) represented 10 school teams and competed in a two-day tournament of non-stop teeball and basketball.
The participating schools were;
Our team of 10 girls have trained extremely hard, three times a week for three months, developing their knowledge and practical skills in teeball and basketball ready to face the challenge of the Primary NAE Games 2019 tournament. Along this journey they have become stronger, fitter, wiser young people. They have formed some great friendships and created lasting memories!
Suri was outstanding in teeball. She was the 1st base fielder and caught many runners out as she was able to calmly and confidently catch the ball from Sabrina, Sara and Phuong Anh without making any errors under immense pressure!
In basketball, Suri was the team’s ball handler. Her dribbling skills were controlled, fast and unpredictable, often driving through defence towards the basket for a shot - An excellent performance Suri, well done.
Kitty has worked extremely hard at developing her teeball and basketball knowledge and practical skills over the past three months. Her attitude and commitment to all training sessions has been exceptional. The NAE Games 2019 was Kitty’s first experience of an international sports tournament and she proved to herself that she is more than capable at playing competitively in both these sports. I was impressed with Kitty’s quick decision making in basketball, as she was able to execute accurate and effective passes to her teammates as well as defend resolutely. In teeball, she was able to retrieve fast balls and throw powerfully and accurately to the infielders - A tremendous job Kitty!
In basketball, Sara was the team’s ball handler. Her dribbling skills were controlled, fast and effective. Sara was so strong on the basketball court both on offence and defence. She was the star player on our team for legally stealing the ball from her opponents. Stealing the ball from the opposition requires good anticipation, speed, strength and fast reflexes, also guts!
In Teeball Sara was the right short stop because she had the ability to react rapidly and use the correct technique to stop fast ground balls from rolling past her. Sara could also read the game well and as she retrieved the ball, she was able to execute fast and accurate throws to the correct base fielder. To be able to do this under pressure is a huge achievement! You were outstanding on the basketball court and teeball field Sara, well done.
Casi was the left short stop in Teeball. She displayed excellent skills in stopping hard, powerful high and low balls from getting past her. She always showed such bravery both in training and in tournament games and gave her absolute all – her commitment to the sport and her team is outstanding!
In basketball, Casi was our tallest and most powerful player hence why she was our number 5! We counted on Casi to jump up high for tip-offs and rebounds, execute screens, encourage and lead the rest of the team on court by echoing out set plays (as she also has the loudest voice on our team!), we counted on her for all of this and she delivered. You should be very proud of yourself Casi, well done!
Sabrina’s performance in both teeball and basketball was superb. She kept calm under pressure and consistently delivered her best performance. Her fielding in teeball was excellent - she retrieved many ground balls and threw hard and accurately to the base 1 and base 2 fielders, scoring many outs! Her batting skills were the best I have ever seen her do. Due to her batting being precise, powerful and consistent, we requested her to be the team’s last batter as we were confident she would get everyone home, and that she did!
On the basketball court, Sabrina was our number 4 post player. Her defence was strong but I was mostly impressed with her offence skills. Sabrina’s fast agility skills allowed her to move rapidly in to space, causing her opponents to tire quickly! She would receive the incoming passes beautifully and at every chance, she shot at the basket, scoring many. You were an inspiring player and leader Sabrina, well done.
KyuIn was 2nd base fielder in teeball. Her awareness of the game has developed significantly. Her highlight of the teeball tournament was catching a fly ball and immediately throwing the ball to 1st base to score a double out!
In basketball KyuIn displayed some great skills, especially on defence. She often jumped up strong and high for the rebounds, winning the ball for our team. In one game, she intercepted the ball from the player she was marking, made a fast-break down the court, dribbling at speed, jump stopped and shot at the basket! A super job KyuIn!
Dolly was the left outfielder in teeball as she had a powerful and accurate throwing ability. Dolly worked well with her relay team to quickly and effectively send the ball back in to the diamond, to the home base fielder, stopping many runners from making it home! You could always count on Dolly to hit the ball accurately through the fielding gaps, enabling her and other runners to progress on to the next base. Her teeball skills were consistently excellent!
In basketball, Dolly was confident and skilled on the court. The first game she played, she came on at half time and scored three baskets in a row! On defence, she showed solid agility, balance and coordination skills making it harder for her opponents on offence. Excellent Effort Dolly!
Amelia was one of our starting 5 players in basketball. As player number 2 she had to predominantly work with the ball handler and player number 3, switching positions, making screens to free our ball handler from the opponent’s trap defence - trying to create scoring opportunities on offence. She was always there to receive the pass and give successful passes to the team’s main shooters.
In teeball, Amelia worked on 3rd base. Beautiful play was executed between Sabrina, Casi and Amelia, together they were able to achieve many outs. Amelia’s hand-eye coordination and reaction skills have enhanced dramatically, under pressure, and that’s down to her hard work and commitment to all the training sessions and games she has played. Great job Amelia!
Kathy has exhibited confidence in both teeball and basketball. Her speed, strength, agility, balance, precision and control of all skills in both sports has impressed the coaches. Kathy was chosen to play centre outfield in teeball which is a pressured position as many balls are directed to this area of the field. She was able to confidently collect the ball and deliver accurate throws back to the infielders in order to run people out.
In basketball, Kathy’s best position was as number 3 and 4, high and low post player as she was able to create the space near the basket, receive great passes, shoot and occasionally score. Well done Kathy!
Phuong Anh
In teeball, Phuong Anh was the Catcher – her coordination, agility, balance and reaction skills secured her in this position! Phuong Anh was batter number 1 which is very challenging given a large audience watching, however this never phased her. She was consistently calm and confident, focused on what needed to be done, often resulting in her hitting a successful shot to ensure she could run safely to 1st base and eventually home.
In basketball, Phuong Anh was one of our smaller players, but this did not intimidate her. She was willing to play hard and play fair, giving 100% effort all of the time. Her understanding of when and where to move on the court allowed her to receive great passes from her teammates and attempt to shoot at the basket – Phuong Anh managed to score a couple of times regardless of the basketball nets being so high for her. Super effort Phuong Anh.
A special thank you to Coach Lamech for his amazing support and coaching guidance!
Ms. Lindsey and Mr. Lamech, PE Department
Day 1 Basketball:
During the Nord Anglia Basketball Tournament this year the boys fielding a strong team with a good mixture of height and speed. Before the tournament the boys covered a range of attacking and defending strategies to make them competitive in any given situation. The boys learned a range of key basketball skills including jump stops, pivoting, shooting, screening and dribbling. Due to the nature of the tournament requiring a team to defend only in a half court fashion, we utilised a strong 23 zone defending the basket. On offense, we looked to widen the court by playing two wings and a high and low post. During the matches the boys played exceptionally well, some notable performances coming from Sebastian, who with his excellent ball handling skills, left defenders on the floor several times. Hugo posted up well and scored an excellent reverse layup. Soma took three shots from the elbow in quick succession scoring on each attack! It was a real treat for both coaches Mr Mark and Mr Richard to see the boys improve their skills so much, and use the tactics we have practised in training being used on the floor.
Day 2 Teeball:
In Teeball the boys were outstanding. The results speak for themselves with regards to playing ability! Scoring more than 10 runs in every game shows that every player on the team and strike the ball effectively and round the bases. The fielding performance was simply breath-taking. SeongBeen on third base, Jay on the pitcher’s plate and Soma at short stop moved the ball effectively to Taiki on first base who used great athleticism to force out numerous players. Any ball struck to the outfield was quickly intercepted by Jamie, Caellum and Wonjun. All three boys making good catches on deep fly balls. Anh Huy showed excellent leadership skills as the catcher and did not let any balls beat him to the dead ball line. To win so convincingly in every match reinforces the boys’ dedication to training and excellent work ethic.
The team was an absolute pleasure to take to the tournament and were great ambassadors for the school. Not only did they play well, they also mirrored the ethos of the games by playing with sportsmanship and integrity. Well done.
Mr. Mark and Mr. Richard, PE Department