13 May, 2022

Ms Deirdre Grimshaw: Weekly Update 13/05/2022

Ms Deirdre Grimshaw: Weekly Update 13/05/2022 - ms-deirdre-grimshaw-weekly-update-13-05-2022
Ms Deirdre Grimshaw: Weekly Update 13/05/2022 This term at Primary we are looking at the Aide Memoire attribute of Perseverance.

This term at Primary we are looking at the Aide Memoire attribute of Perseverance.

Asset 22x

At the Junior Campus, this is summarised in  three statements:

I try my best and never give up.

I ask for help if I need it

I know that things can change, how it might make me feel and who to talk to about it.

In our first live assembly of this year, we focused on this attribute and celebrated some of our students and teachers who have demonstrated this recently in the Nord Anglia Triathlon and the Danang Ironman competition.  More details about the Nord Anglia event can be found further on in this update. 

Using the analogy of an Iceberg, we talked about the hard work, preparation and perseverance that goes into achieving our goals, be that getting to the end of a chapter book, learning to ride a bicycle or completing a Triathlon. 

We hope some of the children were inspired by their peers and teachers to try something new, go beyond their comfort zone and challenge themselves.  Certainly there are lots of teachers already talking about what they are going to do having seen these amazing athletes in action!

This week, across the campus, great learning has continued with students working hard in every class.  Year 5 are preparing for their Speech Competition and Year 6 are working on their debating skills as well as preparing for their Year 6 Exhibition. In Year 4 learning has been focused on materials an houses and homes across the world while in Year 3 the children have continued to look at Rainforests and I have been extremely impressed with their knowledge and understanding of how Rainforests are at risk and what we need to do and can do to protect them.

In our PE lessons, the children are preparing for Sports Days which will take place in the week beginning June 6th.  More information will follow about these in next week’s update.  In MFL they have been cooking this week - read on for more details in a post from Ms Emilie.

Another event that is coming up is the Queens’ Platinum Jubilee.  As a British International School, we are excited to celebrate this amazing event. We invite  the children to come dressed in red, white, blue or all colours on Friday June 3rd. They can even come dressed as a Queen or King!

Queens Diamond Jubilee_A3 Poster01

Read on to find out more about what has been happening at the Junior Campus this week.

4M's Flexible Seating


In 4M this term, we have started to introduce Flexible Seating. This allows us to choose different types of seats for different activities, to keep our bodies moving and our minds focused. We can choose a change of height (with a standing table or a floor table), a change of comfort (with a chair cushion or bean bag), or a change of movement (with a yoga ball or a u-cushion). We are trying each type of seating to see which works best for our learning - it has been a lot of fun!

Ms Mary Carson, Year 4 Teacher

Y5-6 Chinese Cooking Classes!


Year 5&6 Chinese students have been learning about Chinese food. We worked in pairs/groups and had role-play shows to practise how to order food in a Chinese restaurant. This week, we also experienced how to make 饺子(dumpling) and 叉烧包(BBQ pork bun).

It gave our students an opportunity to develop their speaking skills and confidence in expressing themselves in Chinese.

Emilie Zhou, MFL Teacher

NAE Global Campus Duathlon - Triathlon

D_T 4

The BIS HCMC children returned to school in term 2 eager to get back to sporting competition against each other and the rest of the Nord Anglia family from around the world. The NAE Global Campus Duathlon and Triathlon competition was the perfect event to unite friends and communities together to compete in this virtual event. It was fantastic to see great numbers of BIS HCMC students trying to be ambitious and compare themselves to the best that the NAE group has to offer around the globe.

The Duathlon event consisted of a Run, Cycle and one more Run. This could either be completed individually or as part of a team (one runner and one cyclist). The triathlon event combined Swimming, Cycling and Running into one race. Again, this could either be attempted on your own or as part of a three person team.

Parents of BIS HCMC children stepped up to the mark to organise this event in apartment block complexes and villa compounds to make sure our athletes could post the best possible times in this gruelling events. The best possible times proved to be outstanding individual and collective achievements. In a competition participated in by 17 schools BIS HCMC narrowly missed out on the overall gold medal and finished in a remarkable Runners Up position. This is testament to the characteristics of the BIS HCMC Aide Memoire that our children can do so well even in circumstances such as recent COVID times.

A huge well done to all of the competitors who took part and a thank you to the parents who helped supervise and time the races. We had many of our athletes finishing in the top 10 positions in the world in this competition. A list of which can be found below.


Triathlon Individual - Global Results

  • Y3+4 Boys
    • Julian Andermann 5th Place
    • Jack Champion 6th Place
    • Shion Marci 7th Place
    • Max Marci 8th Place
    • Max Niesman 10th Place
  • Y3+4 Girls
    • Nicole Wang 6th Place
    • SiWon Song 8th Place
  • Y5+6 Boys
    • Jake Harper 9th Place
    • Jack Estaugh 10th Place
  • Y5+6 Boys
    • JiWoo Jean 7th Place

Teacher Female

  • Sophie Roberts, Helen Waterhouse, Ann Harvey 2nd Place

Phil Husband, Director of Sport

Moving On Workshop for families departing BIS

BIS Moving On Banner_May 2022 1

We would like to invite all families that will leave BIS at the end of this academic year to our ‘Moving On’ Workshop.

It will take place on Friday 27th May at 8.30am in the Black Box Theatre at the Junior Campus.

This workshop will be hosted by the Admissions Team, and Counselling Team. It aims to support those transitioning from BIS. Members of the Whole School Leadership Team will also be in attendance.  We hope to see you there.

Primary Potluck Lunch! - Save the Date!

potluck lunch

Parent Potluck: 19th May at EY campus from 11am-2pm

We are delighted to invite you to the parents' Potluck Lunch to be held at the small Hall on the 3rd floor at the EY Campus on 19th May, 2022 from 11.00-2:00pm.

This has traditionally been a wonderful, fun-filled event where parents come together to sample different kinds of food and chat. We hope many of you will be able to join us for this event!

For both new and returning parents, the lunch will be organised as follows:

Format - Cold Buffet Style. Ideally finger foods, although curries and dips are welcome!

Amount of food to carry – A small plate filled with food is ample!

Examples of foods you could bring – Vietnamese Spring Rolls, Korean Gimbab, Japanese Onigiri, Brazilian Pão de queijo, Indian Samosas, German Bratwurst, Canapes, Garlic Bread with Sundried Tomatoes & Cheese and all sorts of sandwiches. Both sweet and savory foods are most welcome – so please bring rice cakes, traditional cookies, cakes and laddoos if you like. NO NUTS!!

Must the food be home made? This is not necessary. The idea is to get together for a good time. Please feel free to buy the food if this is easier.

Drinks – Juices and water will be available at the lunch venue

Sign up for lunch – Please use signup for the event here. This will help us to plan for the event well. 

This would be a golden opportunity for you to meet the other parents which was not possible before.Come and enjoy good food, music, drinks and company of other parents.

Book Donations!

Book sale

Do you have books you no longer need? Are you ready to add some new (preloved!) books to your collection?? WE HOPE SO!!! The PTG are so happy to be running a book sale event, that we hope will enable us to Raise some much-needed funds for a very important community partner, Thuy’s Dream Foundation.

 BIS has supported Thuy's Dream Foundation for more than 10 years. The foundation works to enrich the lives of children battling cancer and offers long term support to them and their families.  Raising funds for Thuy's Dream is usually a highlight event of our year, but Covid has drastically affected everyone’s fundraising abilities, and the work the foundation has been able to do these last 2 years.

 As our lives start to return to some degree of normality, we hope you will help us make a big difference to the lives of some very poorly children and their families.

There are many ways you can help us!

Firstly, if you have any unwanted books you would like to donate for the event you can drop them at the guards house/Gate A at either EY campus, or Junior campus, every day until the event.  Books for all ages welcome, that could include travel, business, fiction, or general reference, for example!

Secondly, can you spare 1 or 2 hours to help sort the books being donated, in advance of the sale?  We are meeting Friday 20th May @ EYIC for a couple hours in the afternoon before pick up. If you can spare even an hour to help us, please sign up here and we will be in touch!

Thirdly, we need parents to volunteer on the day of the sale.  The sale will take place on Tues 24th May at EYIC & Wed 25th May at Junior campus, between 2-4pm. Perhaps your child will be at a CCA that day? or they would be happy to help us after you had picked them up? If you can spare even an hour to help, please sign up here and we will be in touch!  

Finally, come to the sale and spend your money, or pass some money to your child s they can visit the stall at the end of their day! 

 Thanks as always for your support

Pamela & Primary PTG  primaryptgbis@gmail.com

keep your campus healthy

Symptomatic (Any Cold/Flu/Covid Symptoms) - stay off school until symptom free. 

Take a precautionary Rapid Antigen Test at home prior to return and keep the school informed. 

Any concern you have at home with the health of your child, and include the Health and Safety Leads of each campus (EYIC Ms Sarah Curran sarah.curran@bisvietnam.com  and JC Mr Chris McKelvie Christopher.mckelvie@bisvietnam.com  .

It is vital, also, that you inform the office of any positive case within your family – these are called ‘household close contacts’.

If your child needs the School Nurse to administer any prescribed medication during the school day please do not put medication in the school bag but contact the School Nurse and sign the appropriate form.

Ms Sarah Curran and Mr Chris McKelvie, Deputy Headteachers

Dates for diary

19/& 20/05/22                        STEAM Festival ( Y6/7/8)

19/05/22                                 Primary Parents Potluck Lunch

23&24/05/22                          Primary PTG Book Donation.

24/05/22                                 Year 5 Speech Competition Final

25/05/22                                 Year 6 to Year 7 Transition Morning for Parents

27/05/22                                 Moving On Workshop for parents that are leaving BIS.

31/05/22                                 Year 2 to Year 3 Transition Meeting for Parents

03/05/22                                 Queens’ Jubilee Celebrations.

Fundinotots Update


Do you have a baby or toddler at home?  If so, you may be interested in joining Fundinotots.

Fundinotots is a friendly place to meet other parents with young children. It provides an informal play based environment that enables children to have opportunities to interact with their peers and flourish within our creative school setting. Sand and water play, painting, large play apparatus, story time and music sessions are just a selection of the activities on offer.      

Fundinotot sessions are held each morning in our purpose designed Fundinotots unit and provide a great opportunity for parents to come together and support each other during these formative early years.

We are delighted to announce that Fundinotot sessions will begin on Monday 16th May.  If you have any questions about Fundinotots, please contact Sarah Bonner (sarah.bonner@bisvietnam.com).

If you would like to enrol, please click on the link below:

Online application for Fundinotots

And Finally…


It’s International Nurses’ Day. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Nurse Shen for all she does for our Junior Campus.  She looks after Students, Staff and the whole BIS Community. This year in particular has been tough but Nurse Shen always has a smile for all that enter her clinic.

Thank you Nurse Shen!

Kindest regards,

Dee Grimshaw, Headteacher