Headteacher's Coffee Morning

‘Assessment and feedback’ was the main theme of our first Headteachers’ Coffee Morning of this academic year, and it was great to see such a strong turn out from parents. Our newly appointed Curriculum and Assessment Leaders (CALs) shared about how we assess the children from F1 up to Year 6, and how these processes interlink with each other. We also shared the Primary Priorities for this year, and information about the developments which took place over the summer break.
If you were not able to attend, or would like to see the presentation again, please click on the link below:
Primary Headteachers Coffee Morning
(Stay, Play and Learn All Together)

All the F3 children were very excited to invite their adults to come and enjoy one of our roof slots this week as part of our Stay, Play, Learn All Together sessions (SPLAT). There were some spooktacular enhancements for all to enjoy such as making fizzy mud pies, ice potions with some frozen spiders, a spooky band and even a creepy crawly hunt. The children were able to show off one of their much-loved learning environments at school. They were able to demonstrate their independence, physical development and imaginative play as they engaged with not only their adult but their friends too. It always is such a pleasure to share our school experiences with our F3 community. As one of the F3 children said “Will our adults come every week to the roof? It was so much fun!”
Jo Powell
Head of F3/ F3I Class Teacher
Community Service Update:
Binh An Development Centre
(Friends for Street Children)

Earlier this week, we were delighted to purchase stationary for 250x children from the Binh An Development Centre in District 8. Managed by Friends for Street Children, Binh An is one of three shelters with whom BIS has engaged for the past seven years, having developed a close collaborative relationship. Not only does the school offer free education to disadvantaged children who are unable to access government education, but they also provide food and support to their families.
We would like to thank the Secondary Campus Vietnamese families whose generous donation contributed to most of the cost for:
- 1500 notebooks
- 1500 pens
- 1250 pencils
- 250 boards together with markers
- 250 sets of rulers
- 250 erasers
We are grateful for the kindness of our BIS community and for their continuing support of our local community partners.
Tracey Brownrigg
Co-curricular coordinator and
Community Service Project Manager

Dear BIS Parents!
Thank you to everyone who supported last week’s bake sale. Such wonderful donations of delicious treats provided, a huge number of parent volunteers to set up and run the event, and despite the rain there were ques of children waiting to enjoy them! A wonderful turnout at both campuses and an incredible 27,625,000 VND raised to buy much needed school equipment for our community Partner, Poussieres de Vie (PdV). Thank you to everyone who made this possible!

We are turning into the last and one of the most exciting parts of the year- lots of events and celebrations are coming before the year end break. In the coming weeks we would like to honour and appreciate the fantastic work of our teachers - please come and join us for the workshops!
We would also like to celebrate the BIS community with YOU and YOUR families-the whole PTG team is looking forward to celebrate and have fun with you at our biggest event on 19th November:
FFE (Family Fun Evening) is coming!!!
Please save the date for our upcoming events and let’s enjoy together our BIS community!
Dates to remember
● Teachers' appreciation gifts - Flower Making workshop:
▪ 9th November WILD THYME
▪ 12th November CHICKITA (Children Welcome)
● Family Fun Evening: 19th November
● Teachers´ Day: 21st November 2022
● Christmas Gift Workshops:
▪ 16th November LOOP
▪ 30th November JNR CAMPUS
▪ 7th December JNR CAMPUS

Get into the Christmas spirit, come together with other BIS parents, and enjoy adding the finish touches to our Upcycled uniform gift bags OR decorating some homemade treats as a christmas gesture for our Primary Teachers and TA’s. Please sign up here Primary PTG BIS: Christmas Gift Making Workshop
In addition to the workshops if you would like to help us by baking cookies at home to donate for the workshops please get in touch with Pamela at primaryptgbis@gmail.com for more information.

Family Fun Evening is coming on 19th November!!
Tickets will be available from Monday at EY&JC at the PTG stalls during pick-up time!
Don’t forget to sign up here
As always, for more information about the PTG, to connect with us and ask questions, or if you would like to support us as a volunteer, please email us directly on primaryptgbis@gmail.com
We look forward to meeting you all soon
Pamela, Petra and Timea, on behalf of the Primary PTG Team

Remembrance Day

The Royal British Legion created the Poppy Appeal to help those returning from the First World War. A Century on from that conflict, they are still helping today’s Service men and women, veterans and their families, whether coping with bereavement, living with a disability, or finding employment. Without your help, none of this would be possible.
Please join us in showing that we remember on the 11th of November by purchasing a poppy or donating to the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal.
RBL Poppies are available at each Reception from Monday 7th November until the end of the month.
See our full calendar:
For more events see our full calendar here.
And Finally…
Next week, we look forward to welcoming a team of British School Overseas inspectors to BIS, HCMC. The purpose of this inspection is to validate the judgements that we, as a school, have made about ourselves, and suggest areas where the school could improve further. They will spend three days on all three campuses and look into the different areas that make a school excellent.
I hope you can enjoy a relaxing weekend,
Ian Battersby