Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
30 April, 2021

Eco Challenge – Reduce Food Waste

Eco Challenge – Reduce Food Waste - eco-challenge-reduce-food-waste
Eco Challenge – Reduce Food Waste To celebrate Earth day, 22nd April, the Eco-committee would like to challenge students, parents and teachers of BISB to think what they can do to reduce the food waste they produce and even try to grow some food from scratch.

To celebrate Earth day, 22nd April, the Eco-committee would like to challenge students, parents and teachers of BISB to think what they can do to reduce the food waste they produce and even try to grow some food from scratch.

The statistics says that 163 kg of food waste is produced in Slovakia per person every year, however, there are still countries in the world, where people die of hunger. We should minimise our food waste so that we do not waste energy, human work and resources. Biodegradable waste makes 40% of all waste we produce and general waste bin is the worst place to dispose. What do you do with it? Where can you place it? Have you thought of having your own compost heap? Do you grow your vegetables? Would you be keen to try it? How does growing your food reduce food waste? 

Accept the challenge and reduce the food waste you produce!