Age 5 to 11


Our international primary school in Chicago offer rigorous, globally-recognized curricula and qualifications including the English National Curriculum, International Primary Curriculum and International Baccalaureate. We believe that this provides your child with a global education passport, equipping them to study anywhere in the world.

BISC Lincoln Park primary school students
Lincoln park elementary schools students


Our Primary teaching blends the National Curriculum for England and International Primary Curriculum (IPC). This develops students in Years 1–6 into ambitious, independent learners, giving them everything they need to flourish in the next stage of their education.

The primary school journey

Throughout their Primary education, we nurture children’s curiosity and love of learning. Our curriculum builds on their natural development, helping them grow into confident, disciplined, independent learners. They study a variety of stimulating topics and themes, forming links across subjects and recognizing the diverse elements of their learning. 

By the time students reach Year 6, we ensure they’re ready for a smooth and successful transition to Secondary education. They wave goodbye to their Primary years as effective communicators, willing to take intellectual risks, and able to organize their thoughts critically and coherently. After studying with us, 90% of our students move to South Loop for their secondary education.
Students in international primary curriculum lesson


The National Curriculum for England and International Primary Curriculum (IPC) provide the framework for educating students in Year 1 to 6 (age 5 to 11). The IPC is a cross-curricular teaching program integrating History, Geography, Science, Art, Information Communication Technology, and Design Technology into thematic units. It provides links to the National Curriculum guidelines for English, Mathematics, Music, and Physical Education. 

Children spend three to six weeks on units of work that are based on interdisciplinary themes of real interest to children, so they are engaged and enthusiastic; examples of themes include “Circus” and “Active Planet.” 

Internationalism is embedded into every topic-based unit to ensure our children grow up with a very clear global understanding. Focusing on three standards – academic, personal development, and international mindedness – our curriculum provides a creative system that prepares children, wherever they may live in the future, for the world of tomorrow.
BISC Lincoln Park primary school student

Primary School Curriculum Topics

Your child will consider topics from multiple perspectives and make meaningful connections between what he or she learns. 

The core curriculum includes:

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Science  
  • Design Technology
  • ICT (Information and Communication Technology)
  • History
  • Geography
  • Art and Design
  • Music  
  • Physical Education
  • PACE (Personal and Citizenship Education)
  • American Studies, ages 7 to 11 (Year 3 to 6)
  • Modern Foreign Language (French and Spanish)
International primary curriculum students


With inspiring curricula, dynamic learning spaces and world-class teachers, no two days are the same at the British International School of Chicago, Lincoln Park.
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Names and Faces
For primary-aged students, registration takes place at 8:30 am. They might then go into a whole school assembly, or straight into morning lessons. 
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Names and Faces
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Full STEAM Ahead
In the mornings, students at BISC-LP might encounter STEAM lessons––that's science, technology, engineering, the arts and mathematics. Or they might continue learning a foreign language: French or Spanish. Whatever it is they’re doing, children always have fun and are challenged in morning lessons.
Full STEAM Ahead
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Rooftop Recess
One of our calling cards is our rooftop playground, which gives your child the space to experience some time outdoors. They can burn off any restless energy they might have to get them focused for late morning classes which could include a topic lesson: each topic gives us a platform to create lessons with a global focus––a topic such as “Rainforests” could take us to both Southeast Asia and South America. Lessons across multiple subject areas will then be linked within that theme.
Rooftop Recess
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Late Morning Learning
Students could experience more STEAM lessons, or other core subjects like literacy. Our early years approach is phonics-based. This allows students to develop literacy skills at a young age. We build on this foundation and continue to develop comprehension, fluency and a love of reading as they move through the primary years. They'll also progress their writing skills by learning the technical aspects, as well as how to write creatively.  
Late Morning Learning
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Between 12-1:00 pm, alongside their friends, students enjoy a nutritious lunch prepared by our onsite catering team, followed by playtime on the roof. This could be a warm-up for afternoon performing arts––which include dance, drama, and music, and is backed up by our partnership with the Juilliard School. 
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When they’ve eaten and spent time exercising, refreshed students could take part in off-site games, preparing them for the world of varsity sports with our own version, in which students can learn the value of sportsmanship through inter-House competition. They might take a trip to our wonderful library and borrow a book or get a head start on their homework. On Fridays, students end the day with an assembly. 
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After Hours
Primary students can enjoy a whole host of extra-curricular activities––from STEAM-based projects to alternate language lessons in Mandarin. They can take part in school sports activities, representing the school in a variety of sports, and every single activity is designed to give our students a sense of pride in their school. 
After Hours
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The IPC guides teachers and students through three Learning Goals: Subject, Personal, and International. These help children understand how to derive knowledge from a variety of sources, give them the practical abilities to research and help them make topical and thematic links between subjects. By working toward their Learning Goals, children are empowered with essential skills for modern life: adaptability, empathy, resilience, teamwork and communication. 
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We assess our Primary students so teachers can better instruct them on an individual level, personalizing their education so they thrive. Assessment is a daily part of school life. It helps students recognize the standards they can achieve if they put their minds to their work, informs parents of their child’s progress, and enables teachers to identify possibilities for academic intervention.


At BISC-LP, we offer a truly global experience with outstanding teachers and exceptional educational opportunities. Here, students achieve high marks in exams and learn to make a difference in the world outside the classroom.

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