Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
01 February, 2024

Under the Sea

Under the Sea | BSB Sanlitun - Under the Sea

‘Under the sea… Under the sea… it’s better down where it’s wetter… take it from Nursery!’ It’s been some fun and wet learning with our theme ‘Under the Sea’.

The Nursery children drove in headfirst to our unit by embracing diversity and applying our story ‘You be You’ by Linda Kranz to undersea animals. The children compared sea animals; for example, length and size, linking to our Maths learning and using Maths vocabulary more independently.

Under the Sea | BSB Sanlitun - Under the Sea


We also read the story ‘Over in the Ocean; In the Coral Reef’ which the Nursery children loved challenging themselves by counting higher and learning about different under the sea animals; especially jellyfish. The children took a special interest in jellyfish and created many works of art related to these squishy unique creatures. 

Under the Sea | BSB Sanlitun - Under the Sea


During the learning journey, we encouraged the children to work together using their imagination to create their own under the sea role play, drama and art. All the sensory trays were linked to our unit by having sand, water, sea creatures, water beads and tools that boost exploring, discovery and encourage growth academically and socially.

Under the Sea | BSB Sanlitun - Under the Sea


‘Under the sea… Under the sea… its better down where it’s wetter… take it from Nursery!’



By Elizabeth Ignoffo

Nursery Clown Fish Class Teacher