The Red Market is the EYFS’s way of celebrating the biggest holiday in our host country, The Lunar New Year. Children and adults are encouraged to wear special outfits, either traditional Chinese clothes, new clothes or red clothes. Many activities promote the Chinese Zodiac animal of the up-coming year, others are lucky draws and prize orientated.
This year our Christmas production was called Shine Star Shine, a truly magical retelling of the nativity story about a big Star that needs strength to shine.
With a slight breeze in the air, but clear blue skies above, footballers from schools across the region kicked off the first round matches this afternoon at The British School of Nanjing as part of the NAE China Region Global Games 2019 Under 11s Football Tournament.
Friday 25th October saw students, staff, parents and friends celebrate the 71st birthday of the United Nations with an international festival in the gym, some fantastic presentations from our students and families, and a first public performance from own our Orchestra of United Nations, all in the theatre during our assembly.
Congratulations to all of our musicians playing as part of the Community Orchestra last Friday 25 October 2019 as part of our UN Day festivities. We look forward to welcoming them back on stage as we approach our Christmas celebrations later in December as well.
This month has seen continued progress from our students in PE lessons. Key Stage 1 have been continuing with their fundamental movements unit, Key Stage 2 have been making the most of the fine autumnal weather outside honing their football skills and Key Stage 3 and 4 have been getting lots of match practise in in both football and basketball, with an emphasis on tactics and positional awareness.
BSN celebrates a hat-trick of outstanding IGCSE and A level awards that are awarded by the Cambridge and Pearson EdExcel Examination Boards to the most exceptional students of all.
One of our key aims at The British School of Nanjing is to create ‘life-long learners’; to inspire our students to continue learning long after they’ve left our campus. We want an atmosphere where students enjoy learning, taking pride in what they know and what they can do and striving to know more and do better.
A warm welcome to all our new and returning students and their families in this new school year! It is with great delight that we welcome some new teachers to our Senior School Team.
We have all had a great start to our new school year with the children all settling into their class and school routines. We would like to thank all our families for working alongside our Early Years staff and helping our students to settle in the morning by reassuring the children.
Being the first facility in Nanjing to be installing the pioneering positive air filtration system, students returned to school in early, January after the holidays, to enjoy the highest air quality available in Nanjing.
This year BSN celebrated Bon Fire night a little bit differently. With so many culturally diverse festivities during this period, we decided to mix them all together and ended up celebrating Fall Festival.
On Monday 22 October, BSN celebrated UN Day with a range of activities, assemblies, class / tutor group projects, and the most exciting.... the International Fair arranged by the BSN parent body.