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Navruz at BST
Primary school students celebrated the national holiday Nawruz, symbolizing the arrival of spring, with national dances, national games, poems and performances about the history of the holiday. Children have learned lots of new interesting facts about this holiday and enjoyed taking part in the assembly.
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What are the Options?
Making choices about our future studies is always a challenging and exciting time, and to support our BST students, our annual Options Evening was held earlier in the month. IGCSE's and A-Levels are internationally recognised and valued qualifications which will allow access to the best universities in the World, so it's very important that our students make the best decisions for them.
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Refer a Family
At BST our current families are our finest advocates and we want to reward you for your loyalty and kind words about us to your families and friends. Hence, we are relaunching our Refer a Family programme. It is a way for us to say thank you for your trust and confidence. For each new student you refer who enrolls at BST, we will discount your tuition fees by UZS 2.000.000. The tuition reductions are per student (not per family) and there is no limit to the number of students referred. You can get more information on this initiative by contacting us.
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Navruz at BST
BST staff and students will be celebrating, and learning about, Nowruz in the week beginning 14th March. Primary students will take part in daily craft and discovery activities. Secondary students will do this in Art, PE and Russian lessons. On Friday18th March all students and staff are encouraged to get into the spirit of Nowruz by wearing local dress. There will be special Nowruz themed assemblies on that day, and students will be able to sample the delicious Sumalak cooked on site.
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On Friday 11th February we held our STEAM Day. The day inspired students to explore and pursue their interests in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math. Students from Year 7-10 were challenged to build a model/prototype to demonstrate a concept in Science, Math or Engineering.
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Maths Week
This week during Maths Week in the Primary School, we have been using the book 365 Penguins by Jean-Luc Fromental as our theme. The teachers have planned and delivered different mathematical activities for the children to work on, allowing them to talk about the maths they are learning with their peers. We ended the week with a 'Happy Feet' march dressed as penguins.
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