Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
27 June, 2021

Education Outside the Classroom

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Education Outside the Classroom Year 9 students really enjoyed the two-day Plein Air Art trip to the Aktash mountain area. The trip provided a new and exciting learning opportunity. The students were able to beautifully document a place in time, on canvas. The lovely Spring weather allowed our students to fully immerse themselves in the natural beauty of each of the landscapes visited. The experience and excitement of the visit were evident in the outstanding artwork created by each and every student that participated on the trip.

Year 9 students really enjoyed the two-day Plein Air Art trip to the Aktash mountain area.
The trip provided a new and exciting learning opportunity. The students were able to beautifully document a place in time, on canvas. The lovely Spring weather allowed our students to fully immerse themselves in the natural beauty of each of the landscapes visited. The experience and excitement of the visit were evident in the outstanding artwork created by each and every student that participated on the trip.

In KS1, Transport, Materials, Fire & Ice, Chocolate and Festivals – to name just a few. These topics provided some lovely opportunities for learning outside of the classroom, so we have been able to venture out on some exciting school trips. At the beginning of the year, after comparing Tashkent and London in class we went on a marvelous adventure and hopped on the Big Red Bus Tour, stopping to identify iconic buildings and enjoy our beautiful treelined city. After learning about the history of chocolate, where it comes from and how it is made, our Year 1 students visited Crafers Chocolate Factory to see chocolate-making in action and came away with pockets full of treats!

In Spring, we visited the Botanical Gardens to go on a nature hunt, explore local and exotic plants in the orangery and have a picnic. We applied what we had learnt in our ‘Environmental’ and ‘Plants’ topics and picked up any litter that we found, looked for signs of new growth and appreciated how trees help keep the air we breathe healthy. For our final topics, Year 1 studied Fairytales and Year 2 studied Castles and Knights. We went to Happy Land, dressed up as Kings, Queens and Knights and played in their castle themed play area. 

We were also lucky to safely invite some guests into school to compliment our learning. During our Fire & Ice topic. Local Firemen brought their truck on to campus taught us about safety and showed us their equipment. For our Materials topic a local Pottery Master brought his potter's wheel, taught us about the properties of clay and helped us all to make our own pots. 

In Key Stage 2, after studying the topic Earthquakes and Volcanos, the Year 3 children paid their respects at the Earthquake Monument and visited various museums. Year 3’s also ventured on an ‘expedition’ to Syram campus to watch a Year 2 rehearsal!

Year 4 went to the National History Museum. Our trip tied in with our topics - the Mongolian Empire and the Great Silk Road. We learned about the Roman Empire and compared it with the Mongolian Empire. We also found out about the legacy of the Silk Road. At the museum we learnt about the local history - the History of Uzbekistan. We identified the most influential historical people, such as Amir Temur, Tumaris and Genghis Khan. 

We studied the legacy of the Great Silk Road. The greatest value of the Great Silk Road was the exchange of culture. art, religion, philosophy, technology, language, science, architecture, and every other element of civilisation along with the commercial goods the merchants traded from country to country. Even today, the Great Silk Road holds economic and cultural significance for many.

One of the first topics for the Year 5 children this year was to lean about space. During this unit of work, the children studied the solar system at the Planetarium. 

Year 5 decided that a good end to their topic about Living Things and Habitats would be to go hiking in the Tian Shan Mountains where they went on a guided hike, identified different habitats whilst learning about conservation at the same time.

During the Autumn term, Year 6 studied the human body and how diet and exercise have an impact. To help to embed this knowledge we went out to eat a healthy lunch at Efendi before visiting the Health Museum next door where we learned all about how to look after our internal organs.
As the grand finale to the Year 6 World War 2 topic, the children visited museums, identified aircraft and tanks before exploring the trenches at Victory Park.

All in all, a very eventful year in linking our History, Geography Art and Science Curriculum to the world outside the classroom.