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Nord Anglia
09 March, 2018

Primary Weekly Update 09/03/2018 from Mrs Sharon West

Format Primary weekly update
Primary Weekly Update 09/03/2018 from Mrs Sharon West
Primary Weekly Update 09/03/2018 from Mrs Sharon West

A value we instill into our children in the primary school is the love of learning and that we should all strive to be ‘lifelong learners.’ This is something our Primary staff model on a daily basis with the children. We provide the opportunities for our students to learn but we also learn from them. We embed a culture of shared learning within our whole school community.

Teaching is complex and demanding work that requires highly specialised skills and knowledge to impact significantly on student learning. Effective schools are distinguished by professional leadership motivated by the desire to build a vibrant professional learning community with high expectations for student learning. A constant focus on teaching and learning is entrenched in the culture of our Primary school. This week there have been many excellent opportunities for our staff to take part in professional learning off site. The SLT including myself returned from the Nord Anglia South East Asia Regional Conference hosted by Regent’s International School, Pattaya. The main focus of this was inclusion and how we can provide the very best provision for our EAL learners and for those children who find learning more challenging. Mr James Mcmeekin our Primary IT teacher participated in the FOBISIA Primary Technology Conference (FOBIT) hosted by Harrow, Bangkok where he had the opportunity to experience and share the latest developments in EdTech with leading experts in the field. Ms. Nuala Malone our Literacy coordinator attended FOBISIA Assessment for Learning training at Alice Smith School, Kuala Lumpur and learnt more about the best approaches to assessing children’s understanding that will have a greater impact on the progress children make. Our primary staff are already looking forward to learning more from these colleagues who attended and how it can further improve the provision for our children.

Next week is EYFS and Primary Science week and promises to be very exciting indeed! Do check ClassDojo regularly to find out what your children have been learning.

I wish you all a restful weekend.