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Nord Anglia
05 July, 2023

An interview with the Head Students: We are ready to face new challenges!

interview 05
Head student roles are of prominent significance as they take a share in responsibility for decision making and structures as representatives of the student body. Not only that, the post holders are important internal and external ambassadors for the school, acting as role models for all students. Let’s see who they are in this interview.

Head student roles are of prominent significance as they take a share in responsibility for decision making and structures as representatives of the student body. Not only that, the post holders are important internal and external ambassadors for the school, acting as role models for all students. Let’s see who they are in this interview.

Hi Katherine and Hoseong. Can you introduce yourself?

Katherine: Hi! My name is Ngoc, you can also call me Katherine. I'm the new BVIS 2020-2021 Head Girl.

Hoseong: Hi, I am Hoseong Nam Head Boy at BVIS for this year. As the Head Boy, I work with the rest of the Student Parliament to help deliver the best school experiences we can for the students.

Why did you want to become head boy/head girl?

Katherine: Behind every success that I have attained lie the manifold efforts of our committed staff members. I have been immensely supported, motivated and pushed to my utmost potential by members of staff since my very first day in Year 7 all the way to the sixth form and I sincerely feel that our school ethos has helped shape the person I am today and what I stand for. I feel indebted not only to give something back but to also leave a small mark of my presence which in turn may prosper the community that I have grown to cherish.

Hoseong: I signed up to the role because I have been a beneficiary of a lot of Student Parliament’s activities, such as revision workshop and school prom. I wanted a chance to be in charge of making the magic happen.

What qualities do you think a good head boy/head girl should possess?

Katherine: Personally, I think a head girl is not the smartest or funniest, loudest, most confident or most beautiful girl in the school. Head Girl is a young woman who is prepared to face challenges and take on the most difficult task of representing a community of smart, accomplished and passionate students. And be the microphone that lifts their voices so that young people here today are the adults out there in the world as they’re truly needed.

Hoseong: I think a crucial characteristic for a Head Boy, or any leadership roles, is the ability to truly listen and resolve conflicts that may arise. It is also important to prevent misunderstandings by listening and acknowledging that each student has different interests at heart, but one common motive - to improve the school.

What changes would you bring to the school and the students?

Katherine: Our Student Parliament strategic plan this year is to: explain, predict, and influence behaviour. We want to identify hidden problems, find solutions and implement them in a practical setting. Currently, we are working on ‘Tolerance Month’, created with the incentive to make BVIS a more aware place of global issues for students and staff. Our Tolerance Month will feature these 4 topics: LGBTQ+, Racism, Disability and Body Awareness.

Hoseong: I want to instill the idea that we should celebrate causes that we care about as a school. For example, we are planning Tolerance Month to show our support for marginalised members of society relating to issues such as racism, LGBTQ, disability, and body positivity. Additionally, I plan on expanding our reach in the community by collaborating with other schools in Hanoi on charity projects.

What are your hopes for the coming year?

Katherine: We aim to help nurture further an atmosphere in BVIS where all students know that they are supported, whether they are struggling mentally, academically, etc... We have it covered by implementing revision workshops and upcoming Peer Support Group and many more projects that are currently in planning.

Hoseong: BVIS has grown a lot over the past years, and students tend to stick to the closest group of friends. I hope that we will all have an enjoyable school year full of fun events, so that we mingle with people we didn’t think to at the start of the school year.

Can you summarise yourself as your role in 3 words?

Katherine: Meticulous, Driven, Calm

Hoseong: Versatile, Caring, Unifying

Thank you for participating in this interview.