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Nord Anglia
03 March, 2023

Early Years & Primary Weekly Updates (27/2 - 3/3)

Early Years & Primary Weekly Updates (27/2 - 3/3) Weekly letter from Primary's Leadership Team

Dear Parents,

It is wonderful to work with our students/your children who show us each day that they are growing as individuals and in their understanding of the global values that we believe in. Last Friday, our School Council leaders confidently led part of the assembly, showing good communication skills. They introduced our new ‘Dojo Bank’ – where each class will learn to cooperate by saving their house points and voting on how to ‘spend’ them. House Points are earned by demonstrating one of our nine school values.
500 dojos – Storytime by PLT
1000 dojos – Extra physical games session
2500 – An extra library session
5000 – Class Talent Show
7500 – Non-uniform Day

School Council leaders have also been helping to run talent show auditions; it is a very difficult job for them to choose acts to go through to the next round, considering the talent that our students have.

Our Year 6s have been involved in their joint Year 6/Year 7 Service-Learning project this week. Three of the four classes were able to take part (6S was postponed due to high AQI – the new date is Monday 6th March). This project has three aims; firstly, to support the transition of our Year 6 students into Year 7 by giving them the opportunity to work alongside their future peers and start to build friendships. Secondly, to educate our students about differences that exist within their home (or host) country of Vietnam, building their empathy. Thirdly, to allow students the opportunity to give back to their community. Giving is one part of the ‘5 Ways to Wellbeing’ - that we follow in school. Helping others is not just a good thing to do in itself, but research shows that it can also improve the wellbeing of the ‘giver’ even more than the ‘receiver’.

Our students got involved in improving the local area and worked in the community garden. We have attached some photos.

Finally, from me, if your child is in Year 4, 5 and 6 then you will have already received the letter about the upcoming residential trips. In my 17 years as an educator – 11 in the UK and 6 at this school – I can honestly say that this is the highlight of a student’s year. The opportunity for students to learn in a new environment and develop independence creates stronger bonds with their classmates, gives them increased confidence and builds lasting memories.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend.

Peter Rao
Deputy Head of Primary