Collège Champittet
21 August, 2020

Forest School in Champittet, interview of Philippe de Korodi, Head of School, Collège Champittet

Forest School in Champittet, interview of Philippe de Korodi, Head of School, Collège Champittet Interview of Philippe de Korodi, Head of School, Collège Champittet

What is the open school?

It is the development of a new pedagogical approach called "open-air school" based on the pedagogy of Outdoor Education, i.e. education outside the walls: the child attends classes in nature for a few hours a week, in a new space for playing and learning.

Why an open-air school in Champittet?

In addition to learning in the classroom, preschool and elementary school children will be able to explore nature, breathe clean air, be environmentally aware, learn and acquire new knowledge and skills. Children will be encouraged to experiment in the wilderness, a definite lack in our urban populations with sedentary lifestyles, and this change in habit will also take children away from digital screens.

Is this a real learning experience from an educational point of view?

Yes, because learning in nature is not only fun, it also allows a balanced development of the child. From mathematics to creative activities to science, nature is a great place to learn. The teacher's mission will be to open a door for children to a new world, that of nature. Observe, imitate, discover the life that surrounds them, feel the earth beneath their feet, the smell of moss ...

What are the advantages of an open school?

In the exceptional setting of its tree-filled campus in Pully, or in the natural surroundings of the school in Nyon, children will be able to exercise, explore, invent dreams, but also to concentrate, observe, marvel, listen and work. In Champittet, thanks to this concept, children will be able to reconnect with nature and improve their way of life and learning.