Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
02 March, 2017

Parents - The Key to Our Success

Parents - The Key to Our Success - parents--the-key-to-our-success
Parents - The Key to Our Success
Parents - The Key to Our Success Creating a range of events for parents to engage with the school is essential for our success.

At Madinat Khalifa I feel very lucky to share our campus with the Primary School and watching students of all ages leaving school with a smile on their face is a wonderful end to the day. It is also a great time to get to know our parents, recognising family links between siblings and developing connections to families that make our school a nurturing and caring environment.

Our recent Year 10 to 13 Parents Evening was another great example of how parents support their children as they prepare for examinations. We have also hosted successful IB and IGCSE information evenings where parent engagement was the highest we have seen in recent years. Things never stand still and we are now looking ahead to next week’s Year 7 to 9 Parents Evening. Having the opportunity to visit the school and discuss progress and attainment with our teachers is an important part of the parental partnership we value so much at Compass International School Doha. To this end, we warmly invite all Year 7 to 9 parents into school on Monday, 6 March from 2pm to 6pm.

Creating a range of events for parents to engage with the school is essential. We welcome the opportunity to showcase our learning and gather feedback about how we can continue to grow and develop. The recent Nord Anglia Parent Engagement Survey was a perfect way for us to gauge opinion and we are very pleased to announce that again, our parents have not let us down as the reply rate was a significant improvement on last year. Once the data has been collated and returned to school, we will be sharing the highlights with you all – thank you for your support.

Finally, as the new Head of Secondary, I am really looking forward to my very first Compass International School Spring Fête on Saturday, 4 March from 10am to 1pm. I look forward to seeing our students from all campuses, accompanied by their parents, sharing a wonderful fun day at our Madinat Khalifa Campus. The Friends of Compass, who are always looking for new members, have done a remarkable job in coordinating this event with the school's Facilities Team. I have had a sneak preview of the wonderful door prizes – if you are a football fan who likes technology and staying in top class hotels eating amazing food, then you might just be lucky!