Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
28 September, 2017

IGCSE Art students make an impressive start to the term

IGCSE Art students make an impressive start to the term - igcse-art-students-make-an-impressive-start-to-the-term
IGCSE Art students make an impressive start to the term
IGCSE Art students make an impressive start to the term

To begin their GCSE course, Year 10 art students have risen to the challenge of an intensive drawing course. Artists that we studied have included Henry Moore and Peter Randall Page, both of which produce beautiful drawings exploring form and structure. Considering the techniques of these master sculptors has inspired the students to produce some excellent pastel artwork.  Studies along the theme of natural and man-made structures will then develop into some exciting architectural work, pattern design for interiors, jewellery and animations. Keep an eye out around school as student’s work is soon to be exhibited, showing off the growing talents in the Art department!