Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
19 October, 2017

Madinat Khalifa Primary Headlines | Monday 23 October

Madinat Khalifa Primary Headlines | Monday 23 October - madinat-khalifa-primary-headlines-monday-23-october
Madinat Khalifa Primary Headlines | Monday 23 October
Madinat Khalifa Primary Headlines | Monday 23 October

Dear Parents,

It was an absolute pleasure to have so many parents attend our first Friends of Compass School meeting. In the coming weeks, we will share more information about the FCS committee and upcoming events that will be open to all members of our school community.

Missed the meeting but interested in being involved?

Please see either Paul McConnell or myself and we’ll be happy to add you to the group.

Student Leadership at MK

If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader. -John Quincy Adams

A huge component of any successful and happy school is the student voice through our more formal leadership roles such as Head Boy and Girl, House Captains and the Student Council. To complement, there needs to be the culture within a school in which students feel empowered to create, inspire and lead projects and events. This week, I have seen great examples of these both!

Firstly, our student leaders have worked together to promote, collect and judge our student entries for the NAE Global Campus Photography competition inspired by the theme ‘Where I Live’. After much discussion and deliberating, the winning entries chosen to represent MK Primary were Haleema (4MA) and Haya (5MA). Congratulations to these students and all those that submitted an entry.

A great example of students taking ownership of an original idea is the forthcoming talent show, the brainchild of Lyla and Nada from 5B. On Tuesday morning, the girls came to my office and asked if they could host a Primary Talent Show. I told them if they could create a proposal and speak to staff about use of space, dates and times, I’d be happy for this to happen. Three hours later, they had written a proposal, booked the music room for auditions and the sports hall for the show, checked the school calendar to ensure that there were no date clashes and had even convinced Mrs Cardiff, Mr Lynch and Mrs Leonard to be the judges! Amazed with their efficiency and clarity of vision, I happily gave this project the green light and can’t wait to see the Talent Show after the half term break.

Another great example of student leadership was evident during Tuesday’s Year 1 & 2 English Workshop, led by Miss Egan and Mrs Firth. A number of Year 6 students acted as guides, demonstrating and supporting parents through the different online spelling activities. The feedback has been fantastic - “A credit to the school” and “Wonderful manners and positive encouragement” were two highlights shared by parents! A huge thank you to Karim, Zara, Ignacio, Gabriel, Haruto, Rian and Siyaam from 6MB!

Have a wonderful week.


Jimmy Frawley

Head of Primary, Madinat Khalifa