Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
24 February, 2020

Themaid News | Monday, 24 February 2020

Themaid News | Monday, 24 February 2020 - themaid-news-monday-24-february-2020
Themaid News | Monday, 24 February 2020 Enjoy our updates from Ms Ann Djedid, Head of Campus, Themaid.

Dear Parents,

I hope you had a lovely half term break and feel refreshed, ready for the second half of this busy and productive term.

Last week our students returned to school full of enthusiasm for Sports Week. As each student wore their house colours with pride, they put in maximum effort and pulled their best performance together to compete with their classmates and win points for their house.

Every child and member of staff was involved with great examples of responsibility from older students who led the younger students around and supported them on the day.

Sunday saw Year 5 and 6 complete a complex course of various skills, from obstacle courses to basketball dribble to target throwing and many more. They showed their enthusiasm and enjoyment as they carried on through the 12 stations, showing their newly learnt skills through a variety of activities.

Many students have only started Compass this year, and their response to Sports Day was immense, with some saying, “This is the best day ever!” We are certainly glad they enjoyed it.

Monday saw the fantastic Year 2, 3 and 4 get ready to gain as many points as they possibly could for their houses. Year 6 stepped up their game and led the teams around the stations, encouraging and leading their house teams throughout the day.

Tuesday was our final day with Early Years 1 and 2 and year 1 making their way through the course, assisted by Year 5.   An amazing end to the week with many scores to be counted!

Thursday was our Sports Day assembly which included children receiving certificates for outstanding performance, effort, most improved and of course, the house winners. The final scores were eagerly awaited, with South emerging as the winners and lifting the House Cup.  Well Done South!

On Sunday, Compass Themaid hosted its first-ever Themaid Table Tennis Tournament. The players put on an outstanding display of skill, poise and determination throughout the event. Spectators were in awe all evening. The double-elimination tournament created instant rivalries and some classic moments. At the end of the day, Themaid crowned its first Table Tennis champion in Jay (Year 8) when he defeated Sami (Year 8) in a spectacular finale. Julius (Year 7) took home third place. Table tennis has been a huge success at the campus and students regularly practice at break times and improve their level of skill. Thank you to Mr Sutton for encouraging students to participate and for organizing the event.

Last Wednesday, Themaid campus was visited by Juilliard Dance Curriculum specialist, Joshua Palmer. He led a primary assembly and had everyone joining in hip hop and taught and supported classes throughout the school. Some students had the opportunity to meet him and get some tips for their own dance skills. It was fantastic to have him in school.

This week our Year 6 students are attending a three-day residential trip at the Blue Pearl Camp to learn key life skills and work together with students from all our campuses to make new friendships and collaborate on achieving goals and success. We look forward to a camp report at Thursday’s assembly.

For secondary students, there is an IGCSE Options Evening where parents are invited to come along to hear about the different subjects, course content and how to ensure that your child makes the right choices to give them career options in the future. This will be held at 5.30 pm on Tuesday, 25 February.

On Tuesday there is also a Parent Seminar on linking family travel and out of school learning at 12.00 pm. We hope you can come along. 

I will be leading a workshop for parents on the International Primary Curriculum on Monday, 2 March at 7.30 am. Please come along to find out what the philosophy of the curriculum is and approaches to learning. There will be information on how to help your children at home. I look forward to seeing you there.

Finally, the Friends of Compass School group will meet on Thursday morning at 8.00 am to discuss ways in which they can support International Week at Themaid campus. Please come along to share your ideas or find out how you can help. We want to make this a special week in school.

Thank you for your continued support.


Kind regards,

Mrs Djedid

Head of Campus, Themaid