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News image How to Use All That Information Self-Regulated Learning - How to Use All That Information Self-Regulated Learning Blog | Teaching Practice | Advice and Guidance
How to Use All That Information: Self-Regulated Learning
Mr Matthew Tuckley, Year 11 Progress Leader at Dover Court International School, emphasises the importance of self-regulated learning, highlighting the need for students to develop a growth mindset and self-efficacy.
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News image DCIS Unplugged Disconnect to Connect - DCIS Unplugged Disconnect to Connect Blog | Advice and Guidance | Nord Anglia Education
DCIS Unplugged: Disconnect to Connect
In today's digital world, technology is vital for learning, communication, and connection through devices like smartphones and tablets. At Dover Court, we aim to equip our students with the necessary tech skills for the future while also encouraging everyone to occasionally step back and reconnect with each other and the surrounding environment.
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News image From National Service to LSE Dover Court Alumni Shantanus Experience - From National Service to LSE Dover Court Alumni Shantanus Experience Blog | Advice and Guidance | Student Achievement | Student Stories
From National Service to LSE: Dover Court Alumni Shantanu's Experience
Shantanu, Class of 2022, shares his journey from completing National Service to studying at his dream university, the London School of Economics and Political Science. He discusses how his experiences during this transition contributed to both his academic and personal growth, highlighting the support he received from the Careers and Higher Education Guidance Counsellors at Dover Court.
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News image Insights From Mr Hasanagic and Giulia on Language Learning at Dover Court - Insights From Mr Hasanagic and Giulia on Language Learning at Dover Court Blog | Advice and Guidance | Student Achievement | Teaching Practice
Insights From Mr Hasanagic and Giulia on Language Learning at Dover Court
At Dover Court, we encourage a positive attitude towards language learning as we believe it provides students with the opportunity to develop a global citizen mindset and an appreciation for different cultures. We recently spoke with Fuad Hasanagic, the Subject Lead of French and Spanish at Dover Court, and Giulia, a Year 11 student who excelled in the IGCSE Languages early entry examinations, to gain valuable insights into learning foreign languages.
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News image Discover the Joy of Learning Early Years Education at Dover Court - Discover the Joy of Learning Blog | Advice and Guidance | Teaching Practice
Discover the Joy of Learning: Early Years Education at Dover Court
Dover Court's Early Years Education is where your child’s journey of discovery and joy begins. Centered around the belief that play is crucial for learning, we offer a curriculum that encourages creativity, exploration, and problem-solving through play.
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News image A Doverians Journey to Pursuit a Professional Sports Career - A Doverians Journey to Pursuit a Professional Sports Career Blog | Advice and Guidance | Student Stories | Student Achievement
A Doverian's Journey to Pursuit a Professional Sports Career
Karan, a former student of Dover Court International School and captain of the sports team, has started a new journey in Malaga, Spain as he pursues a professional sports career. In a recent interview, Karan reflected on his path from Dover Court to Malaga, emphasising his commitment, resilience, and dedication that led him to join the Malaga FC Football Academy. He also offered valuable advice to students aiming for success in sports and highlighted the invaluable team experiences gained from representing DCIS in various sports.
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News image Celebrating Diversity and Inclusion A Conversation with Ruchika Tulshyan - Embracing Diversity and Inclusion A Conversation with Ruchika Tulshyan Blog | Advice and Guidance | School News | Student Stories
Embracing Diversity and Inclusion: A Conversation with Ruchika Tulshyan
Recently, we had the privilege of welcoming Ruchika Tulshyan back to Dover Court, marking a significant moment of reflection and inspiration for our community. Ruchika, an alumna of Dover Court from Year 1 to Year 6, has since become a distinguished author, thought leader, and globally recognised advocate for diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI).
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News image Navigating the IGCSE Journey Insights from Dover Court Year 12 Students - Navigating the IGCSE Journey Insights from Dover Court Year 12 Students Blog | Advice and Guidance | Nord Anglia Education | Student Achievement | Student Stories
Navigating the I/GCSE Journey: Insights from Dover Court Year 12 Students
We recently announced the fantastic achievements of our students in the I/GCSE examinations. The International /General Certificate of Secondary of Secondary Education (I/GCSE) is the world’s most popular international qualification for 14 to 16-year-olds and a great preparation for the next step of the educational journey, such as the IBDP or BTEC. Three of our students, Nathalie, Lydia, and Maya share their experiences from the 2024 I/GCSEs.
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News image Embracing a fresh start: Key tips for the new school year - Embracing a fresh start Blog | Advice and Guidance | Homepage Featured Article
Embracing a fresh start: Key tips for the new school year
Getting ready for the new school year brings a mix of excitement and a bit of worry. Transitioning to a new school or class means adapting to various new experiences. Whether you're new to the Dover Court community or already a part of it, here are our tips to help you start the new school year well.
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News image Understanding Self-Stimulatory Stimming in Neurodivergent Individuals - Understanding Self-Stimulatory Stimming in Neurodivergent Individuals Blog | Advice and Guidance
Understanding Self-Stimulatory: Stimming in Neurodivergent Individuals
Dover Court’s vibrant and inclusive international school community celebrates the uniqueness of each learner. As we recognise and value the diverse ways in which individuals experience the world, we like to shed light on stimming.
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News image DCIS Student Spotlight Impressive Straight Nines for IGCSE - DCIS Student Spotlight Impressive Straight Nines for IGCSE Blog | Student Achievement | Student Stories | Advice and Guidance
DCIS Student Spotlight: En-Li's Impressive Straight Nines for I/GCSE
Meet En-Li, Doverian since 2016 and current Year 12 IBDP student. En-Li achieved an impressive straight-nine for his I/GCSEs at the end of Year 11. He also scored the highest mark in Singapore for his early entry IGCSE mathematics exam, which he took in Year 10.
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News image RachelEdwardsLink Blog | adviceAndGuidance | Advice and Guidance | headteachers | Homepage Featured Article
Learning to Belong - Settling into a new Country
As we settle into the new school year it’s important to validate that many of our new students and families are joining us from overseas where they have left family and friends behind. Rachel Edwards, our Head of Secondary, shares some tips for families who have joined us this year.
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News image JacquelineGlazermanLink Blog | adviceAndGuidance | Advice and Guidance | Homepage Featured Article
Be part of the Magic!
"It is a well-known fact that human beings are hard-wired for connection. Evolution has taught us that we are better, stronger, and safer together. And whilst we may no longer have to run from bears, we are still driven to be part of a community and to feel a sense of belonging, so much so that in the modern world, our wellbeing often depends on our connections with others." Jacqueline Glazerman, Secondary Deputy Head - Community and Guidance, talks about commonalities and uniqueness in this article.
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News image DaveBuckleyLink Blog | adviceAndGuidance | Advice and Guidance
Change, Interpretation and Inclusion
"As a school Dover Court prides itself on its approach to inclusion. Our mission states that we are a community with inclusion at its heart. However, more powerful than the words within our mission statement, is their enactment." Dave Buckley, Head of Primary talks about a changing world, international schools and their guiding statements, and how Dover Court celebrates 50 years of inclusion.
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News image Richard link Blog | adviceAndGuidance | Advice and Guidance | Homepage Featured Article
The Dover Court Values - Diversity
In international schools, we often talk about diversity and what it means to live and work in a multicultural environment. It makes sense to reflect on these things, to think deeply, as the terms themselves need unpacking. To say we are a diverse community is simply a description of the current reality. It begs the question, “What does being part of a diverse community confer on us? How is it a good thing?” - Richard Dyer, Principal
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News image Maleeha Hasan Blog | adviceAndGuidance | Advice and Guidance
Student Blog Post: War and its Literary Influences
This blog post is the first in a series of blogs written by Year 12 IBDP students, participating in the Global Issues ECA. The ECA aims to explore key issues in our global society and present them to you in a clear, engaging and exciting way. Global Issues are defined by 3 things: being significant on a large scale, occurring across nations, and felt in everyday local contexts. Examples include gender inequality, mental health stigmatisation, immigration, war, climate change – the list goes on! We aim to do the research and analysis of these and present our findings via this blog and our podcast; DCIS:The Discussion.
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News image Graduationlink Blog | adviceAndGuidance | Advice and Guidance
Applying to University - Top Tips from DCIS Guidance Counsellor
DCIS  Careers and Higher Education Guidance Counsellor Hani Rahman shares her top tips for university applications.
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News image Link Blog | adviceAndGuidance | Advice and Guidance | Homepage Featured Article
How to Raise Multilingual Children
Dover Court's Speech and Language Therapist Fatima Ionescu discusses multilingualism and reflects on some benefits, myths and challenges in this blog post.
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News image Link Blog | adviceAndGuidance | Advice and Guidance
What does 'personalised learning' mean for your child?
‘Personalised learning’ is a term often referred to in the world of education. Typically, schools use it to explain how teachers adapt their lessons or approach with students to help them reach their potential. Learn more about how we personalise the learning for all our students.
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News image MrMannLink Blog | headteachers | Advice and Guidance
Well-being at the Centre of Reopening at Dover Court
Here in Singapore we are privileged to welcome our students back onto campus, however, between the limited after school programme, restrictions on group sizes and wearing of masks, all I fully agree with, things have a slightly less connected feel. To recognise our new normal we have placed the well-being of our community at the centre of our opening and approach to the first term.
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